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长大以后,我常常反思,是什么使自己内心有深深的自卑。也许,第一位的原因是贫穷,而我们往往低估了生活窘迫对人的伤害。 1955年2月,我出生在海滨名城青岛一间严重漏雨的危房之中。说来伤心,我最初最深的记忆是饥饿,这一切都发生在1960年。那一年我5岁,进了幼儿园,正碰上人祸天灾的困难时期。由于总吃不饱饭,我常常爬到槐 After I grew up, I often reflect on what makes my heart deep in feelings of self-esteem. Perhaps the first reason is poverty, and we tend to underestimate the harm people have to life distress. In February 1955, I was born in a dangerous leaking house in the coastal city of Qingdao. Sad to say, my first deep memory was hunger. It all happened in 1960. That year I was 5 years old and I entered kindergarten. I was running into a difficult period of natural disasters. I often climb to 槐 due to lack of food
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陆树德,字与成,尚书树声弟也。嘉靖末进士。除严州推官。行取当授给事、御史,会树声拜侍郎,乃授刑部主事。 隆庆四年改礼科给事中。穆宗御朝讲,不发一语。树德言:“上下交为
仔细观察下面的图画,并根据图片的内容和下列各句的意思,把各句的序号填在图片下边的括号内。A.M iss G rey is typing a letter.B.She is em ptying a basket.C.M r R ichar
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