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初中生对成长环境充满了好奇心,有许多的要知道。一个好的问题能打动学生,激起他们进一步学习的愿望。而在学习中,老师不是将结论直接告诉学生,而是要让全体学生都主动地参与到学习活动中来,学生通过实践或语言等方式交流各种信息、表达各自的想法,相互讨论,教师可以“看到”学生敞开的思维窗口,能捕捉到学生思考问题的“径迹”。通过好的学习方式能够有效地使学生学会科研方法,培养学生科研精神和科学意识。在新课引入时,教师通过创设一定的探究情境,可以有效的激发学生的探究欲望,使学生带着疑问、充满好奇地开始进行科学探究活动。我有幸参加了《平面镜成像》观摩课现场。有一位教师,在引入课题时让我眼前一亮。教师巧妙设 Junior high school students are curious about the environment for growth and many have to know. A good question can impress students and inspire them to learn further. In learning, teachers do not tell students directly the conclusion, but to make all students take the initiative to participate in learning activities. Students exchange various kinds of information through practice or language to express their own ideas and discuss with each other. Teachers You can “see” the student’s open mind window, which captures the “track” of student thinking problems. Through a good learning method can effectively enable students to learn scientific research methods, develop students scientific research and scientific awareness. During the introduction of the new lesson, teachers can effectively stimulate students’ desire to explore by creating a certain exploration situation so that students can start their scientific inquiry with curiosity. I have the honor to participate in the “flat mirror imaging” observation class scene. There is a teacher, let me shine when introducing the subject. Teacher skillfully set
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综述了耐高温聚酰亚胺PMR-15的组成及化学性能、预浸料及复合材料的制造、性能及应用,并对PMR-15的发展情况作了介绍。 The composition and chemical properties of high temperature po
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