
来源 :东北林业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsjingling
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试验的目的是要找出木材斜角切削时切削力与刃倾角及法面前角的关系,并且将斜角切削力与直角切削力相比较。试验分为斜角纵向切削、斜角横向切削,直角纵横向切削和直角横纵向切削,每种试验包括两种树种和两种切屑厚度。通过试验,得出了斜角纵向和横向切削条件下切削力的实验公式;找出了法面前角对切削力的影响规律;根据斜角切削和直角切削的比较,说明了切削力是不相等的,因此斜角切削力不能用直角切削力的计算参数计算。 The purpose of the test is to find out the relationship between the cutting force and cutting angle and the frontal angle of the wood when bevel cutting, and to compare the bevel cutting force with the right-angle cutting force. The test is divided into longitudinal bevel cutting, lateral bevel cutting, vertical and horizontal cutting at right angles and vertical and horizontal cutting at right angles. Each test includes two tree species and two chip thicknesses. Through the experiment, the experimental formula of the cutting force under the longitudinal and transverse cutting conditions is obtained. The law of influence of the frontal angle on the cutting force is found out. According to the comparison between the bevel cutting and the right angle cutting, the cutting force is not equal Therefore, the bevel cutting force can not be calculated by the calculation parameters of the right-angle cutting force.
针对目前动平衡机系列间相似零件的重复设计问题,应用VB语言和Solidworks API(Application Programming Interface)函数,开发用户系统,调用Solidworks软件平台在基准零件模型
<正>利用数学形态学的方法对 SPOT5-PAN 数据中的道路提取进行了研究,通过对影像进行边沿检测、中值滤波处理,使道路信息更加完整连贯,达到增强道路信息的目的,依据影像灰度
Quantum chemical calculations were carried out to investigate the structures and properties for the inclusion complexes of nitrobenzene (NB) into β-cyclodextri