Public Awareness of Stroke Symptoms Can Save Lives

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5月16日的Yahoo上刊登了此文,读后我非常兴奋。把它介绍给我的朋友和同事。他们觉得此文传递的信息十分重要,建议我将此文作为注释读物发给贵刊。Stroke,汉语称之为“中风”,在当今之美国,是第三大死因。许多患者本人对中风的病症了解甚少,许多bystanders对中风病人的发病状态和急救方式也知之不多,因此,原本可以得救的病人就白白错过了救治良机。在美国首都的NINDS(全国神经紊乱及中风协会)在今年五月开展了一场运动,运动的名称为:Know Stroke: Know the Signs,Act in Time(是否可译:认识中风:了解症状,及时采取救治行动)。此运动可以让患者掌握更多的治疗处置中风病的知识。同时,又能让bystanders懂得救治的正确方法。NINDS的负责人如此幽默地说:This is a bystander’s chance to be a hero,because you really can save a life with the right information. 文章除了提供了加强自我保健,避免罹患中风之外,还告诉我们中风发作之前的症状。这些症状一共有五条。希望读者朋友细读勤记,说不准哪一天,这些从杂志上得来的知识派上了大用场,让你成了a hero!本文的文字不错,尤其值得玩味的一个词是needlessly(见倒数第二行),作为non native-speaker,似乎很难如此使用此副词。 I published this article on Yahoo on May 16th. After reading it, I was very excited. Introduce it to my friends and colleagues. They feel that the information passed by this article is very important. I suggest that I send this article to you as an annotated reading. Stroke, called “stroke” in Chinese, is the third leading cause of death in the United States today. Many patients themselves have little knowledge of the symptoms of stroke, and many bystanders do not know much about the morbidity and first-aid methods of stroke patients. Therefore, patients who could have been saved will simply miss the opportunity for treatment. In the United States capital NINDS (National Neurological Disorders and Stroke Association) launched a campaign in May this year. The name of the campaign is: Know Stroke: Know the Signs, Act in Time: Knowing Stroke: Understanding Symptoms, In Time Take rescue action). This exercise allows patients to have more knowledge of the treatment of stroke. At the same time, it also allows bystanders to understand the correct method of treatment. The head of NINDS said in a humorous way: This is a bystander’s chance to be a hero,because you really can save a life with the right information. In addition to providing enhanced self-care and avoiding stroke, the article also tells us that there is a stroke attack. The previous symptoms. There are five of these symptoms. I hope that readers will peruse diligently and say no one day. The knowledge gained from magazines has come in handy and makes you a hero! The text of this article is good, especially the one worth pondering is needlessly (see The penultimate line), as a non native-speaker, seems to be difficult to use this adverb.
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