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电视事业以其覆盖面广、收视率高、影响力大而成为第一大媒体,与其相适应,具有一定数量的、高水平的、国际性的各类电视节及评奖活动也日益受到人们的关注,成为人们了解世界电视事业发展状况、洞悉电视节目制作水平、交流电视刨作经验的一个途径。中央电视台国际部主任张子扬继2001年担任“艾美国际电视节”评委之后,2002年,又参加了第七届“亚洲电视奖”的评奖工作及颁奖仪式。近日,本刊记者就“亚洲电视奖”的有关情况与他进行了交谈。 With its wide coverage, high ratings and great influence, the television industry has become the largest media. According to them, a large number of high-level and international television festival and award-winning activities have also attracted people’s attention Has become a way for people to understand the state of development of the world’s television industry, gain insight into the level of television program production and exchange experience with television. Zhang Ziyang, director of the international department of CCTV, took the jury of “Le Méridien International Television Festival” in 2001, and in 2002, also participated in the awards ceremony and awarding ceremony of the 7th Asian Television Awards. Recently, our correspondents on the “Asian Television Awards” on the situation with him to talk about.
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