搞好设备管理工作 促进乡镇企业发展

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上海郊县乡镇工业企业有近1.5万个,已成为农村经济和社会发展的重要支柱。1991年工业总产值414.7亿元,占全市工业总产值五分之一强;外贸出口产值89.5亿元,比上年增长22.2%。“七五”期间,郊县采取“外引内联”发展了一批重点企业,具有一定的经济规模,技术装备好,产品在国内外市场享有一定声誉。但就设备管理而言,乡镇工业行业门类众多,规模小而分散,技术装备优劣差异很大,工业管理和技术力量薄弱。 针对上述状况,我们首先通过举办学习班、开展知识竞赛等多种活动,广泛宣传《设备管理条例》,增强设备管理意识和科学管理的观念,并把设备管理主要考核指标列为厂长任期目标,以促进《条例》的落实。 第二,建立和完善乡镇企业设备管理体制。由于郊县乡镇工业小而分散,因此在管理体制上要建立相适应的管理网络。近年来,我们在管理体制上以市带县、以县帮乡(郊县有300多个乡),把设备管理工作延伸到乡工业公司一级,充分调动乡工业公司设备管理人员的积极性,切实加强对乡镇企业设备管理工作的领导。各乡按照所属企业的规模建立管理机构和信息网络,举办设备管理基础知识短训班,抓好设备管理综合规划,检查督促和协调服务工作,把设备管理工作落到实处。 There are nearly 15,000 township industrial enterprises in the suburbs of Shanghai, which has become an important pillar of rural economic and social development. In 1991, the industrial output value was 41.47 billion yuan, accounting for one-fifth of the city’s total industrial output value; the export value of foreign trade was 8.95 billion yuan, an increase of 22.2% over the previous year. During the “July 5th” period, the suburbs and counties adopted “external inward inline” to develop a batch of key enterprises with a certain economic scale, good technical equipment, and products enjoying a certain reputation in the domestic and foreign markets. However, as far as equipment management is concerned, the township industry has a large number of categories, small scales and scattered, and the technical equipment is of great disparity, with weak industrial management and technical strength. In view of the above situation, we first publicized the “Regulations on Equipment Management” by organizing learning classes and carrying out knowledge competitions, and enhanced the concept of equipment management awareness and scientific management, and listed the main assessment indicators for equipment management as the target of the director’s tenure. To promote the implementation of the “Regulations.” Second, establish and improve the equipment management system for township and village enterprises. Since township and township industries in suburban counties are small and scattered, an appropriate management network must be established in the management system. In recent years, we have extended the equipment management work to the level of township industrial companies in the municipality and counties, and counties and townships (more than 300 townships in suburban counties) in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the equipment managers of rural industrial companies. Effectively strengthen the leadership of the equipment management of township and village enterprises. The townships established management institutions and information networks according to the scale of their respective enterprises, held short courses in basic knowledge of equipment management, grasped comprehensive equipment management plans, inspected and supervised and coordinated service work, and implemented equipment management work.
我们安徽省第三建筑工程公司是国营一级建筑施工企业,现有职工5500多人,年施工产值近一个亿,竣工面积达18万 m~2,队伍遍及合肥、巢湖、蚌埠、厦门、上海等地,国外也有劳务支
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28.TQC与GB/T10300有什么关系? GB/T10300国家标准系列发布前,我国已推行全面质量管理十多年,并取得不少成绩,已为大家接受。GB/T10300系列的出现,一时会使人感到好象仍是一