学习贯彻江主席“三个代表”重要思想的关键在于实践。怎样才能把“三个代表”要求落实到各项工作中呢?笔者认为应从以下四个方面人手。 一、加强自身学习,明确学习的重要性。实践“三个代表”,要求我们必须不断加强自身学习,努力适应时代需要。但目前在部分党员身上,存在学风不正的现象。他们认为学不学无所谓,学习(特别是理论学习)的兴趣和
The key to studying and implementing Chairman Jiang’s important “three represents” thinking lies in practice. How can we implement the requirements of the “Three Represents” in various tasks? The author believes that the following four aspects should be manned. First, to strengthen their own learning, a clear understanding of the importance of learning. To practice “the three represents” requires us to constantly strengthen ourselves and strive to meet the needs of the times. However, some party members now have the phenomenon of unhealthy style of study. They think it does not matter whether they learn or not, the interest in learning (especially theoretical study)