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砒石与(与石)石同属砷类矿物中药,然砒石供药用的记载则较(与石)石晚得多。砒石入药首载于《日华子本草》,(与石)石的药用则早在《神农本草经》中已有明确记载。明代本草虽有砒石“亦古者(与石)石之一种”之说,但未见具体论述。为了解砒石的药用史,弄清砒石、(与石)石的药用演变,笔者进行了初步的考证,现述如下,以就正于同道。一、命名与炮制古代药名,多有所本,形、色、气、味,各因而名。砒石之名又因何而得?《日华子本草》、《开宝本草》均未言及,明《本草纲目》始谓:“砒,性猛如貔,故名”。可见,砒石之名,似由其毒性而得。考宋以前医药文献,有毒石之称者,唯(?)石。《说文》曰:“(?),毒石也”。《名医别录》曰:“不炼服则杀人及百兽”。显然,(?)石亦是因其毒性而得名。李时珍则明确指出:“(与石)石,性气与砒石相近,盖亦其类也”。可知,砒、(与石)皆为毒石,唯砒石之毒更甚于(与石)石。 Both vermiculite and (stone) are both arsenic minerals, but vermiculite is used for medicinal purposes much later than rock. The first use of Fenshi was included in the “Jinhuazi Materia Medica”, and the medicinal use of (and stone) stone was already well documented in the “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing”. Although the Ming Dynasty Materia Medica had the theory of “a kind of ancient stone (and stone) stone”, no concrete discussion was made. In order to understand the medicinal history of meteorites and to clarify the medicinal evolution of meteorites and rocks, the author conducted a preliminary research, which is as follows. First, naming and concocting the names of ancient medicines, more than this, shape, color, gas, taste, and hence the name. Why did the name of the rock come from? The “Japan-Japan Herbs” and “Kaibu Materia Medica” all failed to talk about it. It was said that the “Compendium of Materia Medica” was the beginning and said: “Oh, sexual fierceness is such a thing, hence the name.” It can be seen that the name of the meteorite is derived from its toxicity. Before the Song Dynasty medical literature, the name of toxic stone, only (?) Stone. “Saying the text,” said: “(?), toxic stone too.” “Doctors don’t record”: “If you do not refine, then kill and beast.” Obviously, the (?) stone is also named for its toxicity. Li Shizhen pointed out clearly: “(with stone) stone, the gas is similar to the meteorite, and the cover is also its kind”. It can be seen that earthworms, (and stone) are all poisonous stones, and the poisons of meteorites are even more than (and stone) stones.
甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch)为豆科多年生草本植物。我们从甘草种子里分离得到一种甘草多糖,现报道如下。甘草多糖的分离取甘草种子的粗胚乳粉,放人盛有蒸馏水的容器
目的 了解不同行为类型应激者血浆环核苷酸变化 ,为探讨心理行为因素引起冠心病的中介机制的研究提供前瞻性资料。方法 用前瞻性方法研究高考应激对高考生血浆环核苷酸含量
已发表的人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer)成分有很多种,但至今未见有2-甲基-4吡喃酮-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖甙的报道,本文采用吉林红参(亦称中国红参,六年生)即人参加工后制备的红
猪苓[Polyporus umbellatus(Pers)-Fr]为多孔菌科植物猪苓的菌核体,为常用中药,具有利尿渗湿的功效。近代研究证明,猪苓对癌症有抑制和治疗作用,故而用药量逐年增大。猪苓原
本文报道,用于胞浆内精子注射(ICSI)的,从睾丸活组织标本中采获精子的改良方法,以及对一组病例的对照研究结果。 由非阻塞性无精症睾丸组织中获取精子,主要的困难是标本中存