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中国古代家族司法传唤是为了查清事实,得到当事人的口实,保证家族司法审理顺利进行,并依据家族法对违犯族法者进行司法处置,维护家族威严,给族人一个符合情理的说法。家族司法传唤程序有一定的传唤方式和传唤目的,而且有特定的传唤对象,这些都体现出古代家族司法传唤的独特性。 The judicial summons of the ancient Chinese family was to find out the facts, get the facts of the parties, ensure the successful running of the family justice, and carry out the judicial disposal of the violators by the family law so as to safeguard the dignity of the family and give the tribe a fair and reasonable statement. There are certain methods of summoning and summoning for the family judicial subpoena and there are specific subordinate objects, all of which reflect the uniqueness of the judicial summons of the ancient family.
The macroscopic electric permittivity of a given medium may depend on frequency, but this frequency dependence cannot be arbitrary, its real and imaginary parts
创设情境应当做到:所创设情境应该是生活中可能有的;所创设情境要有实际意义;所创设的情境一定要让学 生能够理解;所创设的情境要便于学生操作。
In this article, we prove the existence of exponential attractors of the nonclassical diffusion equation with critical nonlinearity and lower regular forcing te
<正> 改革开放以来,特别是1994年中宣部制定《爱国主义教育实施纲要》以来,对青少年的爱国主义教育受到社会各界的普遍重视。对大学生的爱国主义教育是对青少年爱国主义教育