哲里木盟扎鲁特旗好老林场在史志上曾有“长林丰草、牛羊鹿成群、资源独特”的记载.可是,由于过度垦、牧、猎、樵,火灾频繁发生.在党的十一届三中全会以前,展现在人们面前的是秃岭、荒山,一片贫困、凄凉的景象.人均收入不足168元,成了出名的穷场。是改革给这个林场注入了生机。他们采取以下措施摆脫困境,走出了低谷. ——土地与造林任务挂钩.过去全场70%的口
Zhelemu Union Zhalute Banner A good old forest farm in the history has been “Chang-lin Fengcao, cattle and sheep deer flocks, unique resources.” However, due to over-reclamation, animal husbandry, hunting, firewood, fire occurs frequently. Before the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, bald hills, barren hills, a picture of poverty and desolation were displayed before them, and the per capita income was less than 168 yuan, becoming the famously poor farm. Is the reform injected vitality to this forest. They took the following measures to get out of their dilemma and came out of the trough: The land was linked to the tasks of afforestation. In the past 70% of the audience