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眼蝇蛆病是一种较罕见的流行性眼病,目前国内报道已有250多例。流行地以内蒙古、新疆、青海3省牧区最多,占90%以上。5~11月份均可发病。我部地处疫区边缘,现将1990年间收治3例报告如下。临床资料一、一般情况 3例中均为青年男性,同次野营后所沾染,占野营人员的1%,其中2例蝇飞撞眼部,1例飞扑面部。接触后2~4d发病,出现剧痒、流泪、异物感、结膜充血。裂隙灯检查发现蠕动蛆虫。二、临床特点 3例取出的虫体在显微镜下观察有如下特点;(1)虫体呈梭形,长约1.2~1.8mm,乳白色,前端有黑色角质钩1对。(2)虫体周围有毛刺数圈,体节12~16个。体节背面光秃。(3)虫体末端肛节分两叶,气门呈小管形,发育欠完善。以上特点符合狂蝇工龄幼虫体态。三、治疗方法和治疗效果本病按一般结膜炎处理无效,将虫体取净后眼部症状消失。先经1%地卡因 Eye myiasis is a rare epidemic eye disease, at present there are more than 250 cases reported. Popular to Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai three provinces pastoral up, accounting for more than 90%. 5 ~ November can be disease. My department is located at the edge of the epidemic area, are now treated in 1990 were 3 cases reported as follows. Clinical data First, the general situation in 3 cases were young men, the same camping after infection, accounting for 1% of camping personnel, including two cases of fly hitting the eye, 1 case of the face. 2 ~ 4d after the onset of the disease, itching, tearing, foreign body sensation, conjunctival hyperemia. Slit lamp examination found crawling maggots. Second, the clinical features of three cases of parasites were observed under the microscope has the following characteristics; (1) parasites fusiform, about 1.2 ~ 1.8mm, milky white with black horn on the front of a pair of hooks. (2) Burr around the number of rings around the body, body section 12 to 16. Slim back bare. (3) The end of the parasite is divided into two leaves, the valve is small tubular, imperfect development. The above characteristics in line with the length of adult larvae body posture. Third, the treatment and treatment of the disease According to the general treatment of conjunctival invalid, the worm to take the net eye symptoms disappear. First after 1% cocaine
一、功能: 膨胀阀安装在空调系统的蒸发器人口处,它把从干燥罐送来的高压液体制冷剂转化成雾状的低压液体制冷剂,送入蒸发器(见图1)。 汽车空调的热负荷随室外气温、湿度、
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一本书,几个人,几十年间……著名俄罗斯文学研究者、翻译家王智量教授追忆从事翻译工作半个多世纪以来,他所经历的冷暖沉浮。  上个世纪的50年代,我开始翻译普希金的《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》。后来,我自己和我的这项心爱的工作,在我国政治气候的冷冷暖暖中沉浮,经过了二十多年的风雨,到1982年,才由人民文学出版社出版。后屡次重印,并收入各种不同的文集和选集中。现在,一个新的世纪开始了,这个译本经过修订,又再版