The Five Steps of Achieving Racial Equality--The Comments on I Also Have a Dream

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I Also Have a Dream,one of Lin Da’s bestsellers,in some ways has some coincidence with Martin Luther King’s famous speech——I have a dream.It not only punningly indicates the gist of the book but also expresses Lin’s good wishes to racial equality.Looked from the macroscopic angle,this book states the racial problems in America by telling many historical events and presenting Lin’s points of view.Actually,it epitomizes a I Also Have a Dream, one of Lin Da’s bestsellers, in some ways has some coincidence with Martin Luther King’s famous speech - I have a dream .It not only punningly indicates the gist of the book but also expresses Lin’s good wishes to racial equality .Looked from the macroscopic angle, this book states the racial problems in America by telling many historical events and presenting Lin’s points of view. Actually, it epitomizes a
【摘要】作为见证了英国维多利亚时期社会巨变的大文豪,哈代的作品不仅沿袭了传统观念,也吸收了新的思想,如现代婚姻、道德价值和女性解放。从他的作品中,我们可以整理出各式各样的女性形象。她们个性鲜明,结局各异。文章从女性主义视角出发,对其代表作《苔丝》进行研究,试图以更贴近的姿态获得对于女主人公悲剧命运更为深刻的理解,从而对人的本质进行更为全面的解读,同时为当代女性提供些许启示。  【关键词】苔丝 女性
【摘要】最近几年的一部大热美剧《纸牌屋》,为我们直白且残酷地讲述了在表面的公正与高效下,美国政坛不为人知的另一面。观众可以从《纸牌屋》中窥到真实的白宫与国会,我们也可以从中了解和探究一名众议员的升迁之路。  【关键词】纸牌屋 众议院 升迁 美国政治  引言  美剧《纸牌屋》主人公弗兰克·安德伍德是一名民主党党鞭。在新一届总统选举之后,他并没有得到新总统在上任之前向他承诺的国务卿一职,因此怀恨在心,
In a rapid social transformation times,more and more social problems come to existence in Chinese villages,which results in instability in the society.By using