以联合促开放 以开放促开发——中国西南开放与东南亚关系第二次国际讨论会观点概述

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当前,世界经济发展区域化、集团化的趋势日益明显,东南亚经济增长的势头和前景引人瞩目,成为九十年代亚太经济、乃至世界经济中最活跃、最有希望的地区之一。西南各省区从地理区位、历史联系和经济互补性考虑,把走向东南亚作为对外开放的重点。随着国际局势变化和我国同周边国家关系的改善,大西南发展与东南亚国家经济技术合作与交流的条件日趋成熟,面临难得的机遇,西南各省区要联合起来,以联合促开放,以开放促开发,重振南方丝绸之路。这对富民兴边,睦邻强国,对大西南经济的振兴具有重大的现实意义和深远的战略意义。为了从理论和实际相结合认真研究中国西南走向东南亚的一系列问题,本刊特从第2期起增辟“走向东南亚”这一走栏,以期从多角度研究加强四川、西南与东南亚的经济技术合作与交流,及开拓东南亚市场进一步促进西南的对外开放,希望有关方面的有识之士积极为我们提供短小精悍的稿件,为振兴大西南献计献策。 At present, the tendency of the regionalization and collectivization of the world’s economy is becoming increasingly evident. The momentum and prospects for economic growth in Southeast Asia have drawn much attention and become one of the most active and promising areas in the Asia-Pacific economy and even the world economy in the 1990s. In terms of geographic location, historical ties and economic complementarities, the southwestern provinces and autonomous regions have taken Southeast Asia as their focus of opening to the outside world. With the changes in the international situation and the improvement of the relations between our country and neighboring countries, the conditions for the economic and technological cooperation and exchange between Southwest China and Southwest Asia have matured and are facing rare opportunities. All the provinces and autonomous regions in Southwest China should unite together to promote openness and openness through cooperation Development, revitalization of the South Silk Road. This is of great practical significance and far-reaching strategic significance for rejuvenating the people, strengthening neighboring countries and rejuvenating the economy of the southwest region. In order to carefully study a series of issues from southwest China to southeast Asia in combination with theory and practice, we hereby add a special document entitled “Toward Southeast Asia” from the second issue with a view to studying and strengthening the economy in Sichuan, Southwest and Southeast Asia from a multi-angle perspective Technical cooperation and exchange, opening up markets in Southeast Asia and further opening up to the outside world in the southwest. We hope that people of insight who are concerned about the situation will actively provide us with short and hard manuscripts and make suggestions for the revitalization of the southwest.
<正> 如何考察一个城市的经济效益,目前的考察形式是否科学,这涉及到一个城市,特别是中心城市战略决策的制定和城市功能的发挥,也是建设我国宏观经济调控体系迫切需要解决的问题。本文试图从全国城市经济发展的统计与考察的实践中,分析一下目前我国对城市宏观经济考察方式的现状和矛盾,进而提出改进现行城市宏观经济效益考察方式的一些思路。一个中心城市在其经济发展过程中,除存在着多种微观经济效益,即各个经济实体的和各种单项经济社会活动的效益之外,还存在着一种宏观经济效益,即城市的国民经济运行的