
来源 :江苏医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Okira_lacusO
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病历摘要患者女性,20岁。入院三个月前因行走时感右膝关节疼痛不适、局部肿胀,在当地医院拟诊为“关节炎”接受中药、理疗及针灸等治疗无效,而转入我院就诊。检查:一般情况好,胸腹部检查无异常。右膝关节轻度肿胀,右股骨下端偏内侧、胫骨上端偏外侧触痛。右膝关节较左侧增粗,局部皮温略高。ESR、AKP、血磷、血钙均正常。 X线所见:右股骨远端见-6×9cm大小之骨质破坏区,骨皮质受累变薄,呈囊性膨胀性改变;右胫骨平台外侧亦见—3.5×4.5cm大小的囊状骨密度减低区,呈偏心性生长。以上病变区境界清楚,周围无 Medical record summary Female patient, 20 years old. Three months prior to admission, he felt discomfort and local swelling in the right knee joint while walking. He was diagnosed with “arthritis” in the local hospital and was treated with Chinese medicine, physiotherapy, and acupuncture. He was transferred to our hospital for treatment. Inspection: The general condition is good, and there is no abnormality in chest and abdomen examination. The right knee joint was slightly swollen, the right femur was inferiorly medial, and the upper tibia was laterally tender. The right knee was thicker than the left side, and the local skin temperature was slightly higher. ESR, AKP, serum phosphorus, and serum calcium were normal. X-ray findings: bone destruction area of ​​-6x9cm in the size of the right femur, thinning of the cortical bone and cystic dilatation, and the cystic bone of 3.5 × 4.5cm in the lateral side of the right tibial plateau. Density reduction areas, showing eccentric growth. The boundary of the above lesion area is clear and there is no surrounding area
一、选择题 (每小题 2分 ,共 2 0分 )1 抛物线y =(x+2 ) 2 +1的顶点坐标为 (   ) A (2 ,1 )     B (2 ,-1 )C (-2 ,1 )   D (-2 ,-1 )2 在函数y =3x,y =-x +2 ,
鉴别诊断 Aserkoff医师:细致的医生当他介绍一个诊断的时候,一定要考虑明显事物之外的东西。在临床病理讨论会上一个人不要抱轻信的态度。此76岁男性患者说是有肝脓肿,他果