减少审批 还权于民——吉林省加大清理地方性法规力度

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吉林省去年两次清理地方性法规:第一批废止5件,取消27件地方性法规中的60项行政管理项目;第二批修改10件,取消5项行政管理项目,下放8项审批权。今年,再次对15件地方性法规中的19项行政审批项目和3项涉及世界贸易组织规则的内容予以取消和修改。改革开放以来,为适应经济和社会发展的需要,省人大常委会制定了一批地方性法规,省政府制定了大量的规章和其他规范性文件,推动了全省的经济发展和社会进步。而随着改革开放的深化和中国加入WTO,这些法规、 Jilin Province cleared its local laws and regulations twice last year: the first batch of 5 was abolished and 60 administrative projects in 27 local laws and regulations were canceled; the second batch of 10 administrative reorganizations was canceled, 5 administrative projects were canceled and 8 examination and approval authorities were delegated . This year, we once again canceled and amended 19 administrative examination and approval items of 15 local laws and regulations and three articles concerning the rules of the World Trade Organization. Since the reform and opening up, in order to meet the needs of economic and social development, the NPC Standing Committee has formulated a number of local laws and regulations, and the provincial government has formulated a large number of regulations and other normative documents to promote the province’s economic development and social progress. With the deepening of reform and opening up and China’s accession to the WTO, these laws and regulations,
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应用小波分析对双重孔隙储集层系统数学模型进行求解和辨识参数,得到全变分方程,将梯度投影法与 Newton-Raphson方法结合求解全变分方程,获得满意的数值结果. Wavelet analysis is used to sol
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