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’96中国风演唱会赴港演出团近日在中国歌舞团排练场顺利完成彩排,文化部部长刘忠德与首都三十余家新闻单位的记者一起观看了整场演出,并对演唱会予以好评。开始于1992年的“中国风”演唱会,是由文化部艺术局主办的大型通俗歌曲系列演唱活动,其基本宗旨是把中国富有中国民族艺术特色的通俗歌曲,以演唱会的形式介绍给海外观众,这项活动举办五年来受到海内外炎黄子孙的热情关注和高度赞许,国内流行歌手以入选“中国风”为荣。“‘96中国风”的歌手既有成名多年的屠洪纲、邱昱、周冰倩,也有近年崭露头角的韩晓、谢若琳、程伶,更有时下中国当红歌手周艳泓、倮倮、陈明、何静,由这1O位来自不同省份,风格各异的歌手担纲出任主演的演唱会,代表了目前国内流行音乐艺术的水平。 ’96 China Wind Concert Hong Kong Performing Arts Corps successfully completed the rehearsal at the Chinese Song and Dance Troupe rehearsal field recently. Minister of Culture Liu Zhongde watched the entire performance together with reporters from more than 30 press agencies in the capital and praised the concert. The “China Wind” concert, started in 1992, is a large-scale pop song series concerts hosted by the Arts Bureau of the Ministry of Culture. Its basic purpose is to introduce popular Chinese songs with Chinese national art features in the form of concerts To overseas audiences, this event was held for five years by enthusiastic attention and highly praised the progeny of the Chinese and foreign artists, the domestic pop singer to be selected “China style ” proud. “’96 Chinese style ” singer has many years of famous Tu Honggang, Qiu Yu, Zhou Bingqian, there are budding Han Xiao, Xie Ruolin, Cheng Ling in recent years, and sometimes under the popular Chinese singer Zhou Yanhong, 倮 倮, Chen Ming, He Jing , By the 1O from different provinces, singers of different styles as starring concert, represents the current level of domestic pop music art.
为了了解医院内泌尿系感染的发生情况,我们调查了21536例住院患者,发生院内感染1429例,其中泌尿系感染108例,占756%,低于上呼吸道感染(505%)及下呼吸道感染(195%),居第三位,现报告如下。1 资料和方法对本院
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Three problems encountered in the studies on the Yangtze River Estuary-delta are discussed in this paper.The first involves the sediment supplied and developmen
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