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为更好地运用导学案教学模式,打造简约高效政治课堂,必须设计科学合理并符合学生身心发展规律的导学案,而其中的探究案是导学案中的主体部分和关键环节。下面结合本人在实际教学中编制导学案的经验,与同仁分享探究案设计的五个要点。1.抓住中心探究点。高中政治课新授课导学案的编写基本是按照课时进行编制。一个框题的内容为一课时,一般来说知识点较多,在探究点上不可能做到面面俱到。面面俱到不仅会增加学 In order to make the best use of the teaching mode of guiding study case and to create a simple and efficient political class, it is necessary to design a guiding case that is scientific and reasonable and in line with the law of students’ physical and mental development. The inquiry case is the main part and the key link in the case study. The following combination of my experience in the actual teaching of compiling guide case, with my colleagues to explore the design of the five points. 1. Catch the central inquiry point. High school politics class new lesson guide lesson preparation is basically prepared in accordance with class hours. The content of a box for a lesson, in general, more knowledge points, it is impossible to explore all aspects of the inquiry. It is not only possible to learn more than anything
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