Factors affecting the quality of life of patients after gastrectomy as assessed using the newly deve

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snoopy_wx
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AIM To identify certain clinical factors other than the type of gastrectomy which affect the postoperative quality of life(QOL) of patients after gastrectomy.METHODS The postgastrectomy syndrome assessment scale(PGSAS)-45 was designed to assess the severity of symptoms, the living status and the QOL of gastrectomized patients. It consists of 45 items, of which 22 are original items while 23 were retrieved from the SF-8 and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale questionnaires with permission. A nationwide surveillance study to validate PGSAS was conducted and 2368 gastric cancer patients who underwent various types of gastrectomy at 52 medical institutions were enrolled. Of these, 1777 patients who underwent total gastrectomy(TG) reconstructed with Roux-Y(n = 393), distal gastrectomy(DG) reconstructed with Billroth-I(n = 909), or DG reconstructed with Roux-Y(n = 475) were evaluated in the current study. The influence of the type of gastrectomy and other clinical factors such as age, sex, duration after surgery, the symptom severity, the degree of weight loss, dietary intake, and the ability for working on the postoperative QOL(i.e., dissatisfaction for daily life subscale, physical component summary and mental component summary of the SF-8) were examined by multiple regression analysis(MRA). In addition, importance of various symptoms such as esophageal reflux, abdominal pain, meal-related distress, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and dumping on the postoperative living status and QOL were also appraised by MRA.RESULTS The postoperative QOL were significantly deteriorated in patients who underwent TG compared to those after DG. However, the extent of gastrectomy was not an influential factor on patients’ QOL when adjusted by the MRA. Among various clinical factors, the symptom severity, ability for working, and necessity for additional meals were the most influential factorsto the postoperative QOL. As for the individual symptoms, meal-related distress, dumping, abdominal pain, and esophageal reflux significantly affected the postoperative QOL in that order, while the influence of indigestion, diarrhea and constipation was insignificant. CONCLUSION Several clinical factors such as the symptom severity(especially in meal-related distress and dumping), ability for working and necessity for additional meals were the main factors which affected the patients’ wellbeing after gastrectomy. AIM To identify certain clinical factors other than the type of gastrectomy which affect the postoperative quality of life (QOL) of patients after gastrectomy. METHODS The postgastrectomy syndrome assessment scale (PGSAS) -45 was designed to assess the severity of symptoms, the living status and the QOL of gastrectomized patients. It consists of 45 items, of which 22 are original items while 23 were retrieved from the SF-8 and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale questionnaires with permission. A nationwide surveillance study to validate PGSAS was conducted and 2368 gastric cancer Patients who underwent various types of gastrectomy at 52 medical institutions were enrolled. Of these, 1777 patients who underwent total gastrectomy (TG) reconstructed with Roux-Y (n = 393), distal gastrectomy (DG) reconstructed with Billroth- 909), or DG reconstructed with Roux-Y (n = 475) were evaluated in the current study. The influence of the type of gastrectomy and other clinical factors such as age, se x, duration after surgery, the symptom severity, the degree of weight loss, dietary intake, and the ability for working on the postoperative QOL (ie, dissatisfaction for daily life subscale, physical component summary and mental component summary of the SF-8) were observed by multiple regression analysis (MRA). In addition, importance of various symptoms such as esophageal reflux, abdominal pain, meal-related distress, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and dumping on the postoperative living status and QOL were also appraised by MRA. RESULTS The postoperative QOL were significantly deteriorated in patients who underwent TG compared to those after DG. However, the extent of gastrectomy was not an influential factor on patients’ QOL when adjusted by the MRA. Among various clinical factors, the symptom severity, ability for working, and necessity for additional meals were the most influential factors to the postoperative QOL. As for the individual symptoms, meal-related distress, dumping,abdominal pain, and esophageal reflux significantly affected the postoperative QOL in that order, while the influence of indigestion, diarrhea and constipation was insignificant. CONCLUSION Several clinical factors such as the symptom severity (especially in meal-related distress and dumping), ability for working and necessity for additional meals were the main factors which affected the patients’ wellbeing after gastrectomy.
摘 要:为了更好地践行素质教育教学理念,在实际的教学过程中,教师应当不断为教学反思,分析在哪一方面没有做好,并定向提升自己的教学能力,与此同时,更要借助先进的教学理念和教学知识,提升教育教学的内涵和教学的有效性。阅读圈是一个比较新鲜的名词,其在初中英语教学中应用得比较少,而基于阅读圈对英语学习能力的提升效果,将其应用在初中英语阅读教学中具有一定的实践价值和可操作性,文章对阅读圈的内涵及应用原则进行
摘 要:良好的行为习惯会让人受益终生,因此培养良好的行为习惯势必要从小开始,贯穿教育的每一个阶段。初中是九年义务教育的最后长跑,是一个孩子从少年迈入青春期的神秘转变,如何依托道德与法治,结合实际,来帮助其养成良好的行为习惯是教师值得关注的话题。这是一个长期且浩大的工程,但它所带来的益处却是惠及方方面面的。教育是家庭、学校、社会三方的联动体系,从这三个方面入手,或许可以为初中生筑起良好行为习惯的藩篱
摘 要:学校体育的进展情况需要通过体育中考来考核,而排球也是体育中考进行考核的课程之一。文章从体育中考的角度出发,分析排球课堂中创新的教学模式。以体育中考下的排球课堂为切入点,明确训练目标,把握排球课堂学习中的重难点。从排球课堂的实践教学为基础,保证后续的课堂教学创新质量。  关键词:体育中考;排球课堂;创新实践  一、 引言  近几年体育中考的发展引起了学校的广泛关注。体育教师不再将教学重点放在
摘 要:足球运动是推动我国体育事业迅猛发展和学校体育教育不断完善的一个关键环节,学校要顺应“校园足球”这一时代潮流,抓好学生身体健康素质锻炼,为学生打造一个自由开放的足球小天地。发展足球运动有助于增强青少年体质,培养积极向上的心理状态,形成一种开放、包容的校园氛围,它也是推动我国足球产业的发展的一股重要力量。文章通过采用文献分析法、问卷调查法、中外比较法等方法综合分析了当前校园足球运动发展的现状以