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  They Interpret MoSt, Beautiful“Farewell”with Singing
  At the Confucius Institute at the University of NamibiaStudents met and became acquainted with each other because ofChinese language learningThey cherished the same ideals and followed the same pathBut it was inevitable to be separated from each otherupon graduationThis time, they sang the most touching“Farewell" with the most beautiful singing
  Located in the south of Namibia's capital Windhoek, the main campus ofthe University of Namibia is enveloped by earthy yellow massifs and reddish,brown low brushwood. Red and yellow are the main colors of the buildingsin the campus, making the campus integrate with the surrounding naturalenvironment. Looking out from a distance, these buildings are like the cas-tles in desert that are constructed by well-organized ants with locally avail-able materials. It is said that these buildings were constructed over 30 yearsago. With fleckiness on the buildings, they seem to be a little bit shabby, butteachers and students can feel the rare decorous feeling in this young coun-try when shuttlinq throuqh them.
  Source of Inspiration of "Farewell"
  Entering the campus, one can see that thebuildings look like each other in forms but theyhave their own features internally. Arriving at theUniversity of Namibia, one may feel like to be inthe labyrinths of the game Monument Valley-the labyrinths in the game coincide naturallywith the labyrinths in life. This is the source ofinspiration of "Farewell"   Because of Chinese language learning, stu-dents at the Chinese Language Class met andbecame acquainted with each other. But a friendhas to leave upon her graduation. Quietness isthe farewell music. Ai Le, who is bit shy, tried toleave quietly after writing a farewell letter on thewhite board. In surprise and tears, Ai Le's friendsimmediately began to look for her in the cam-pus. But the labyrinths of the buildings made itmore diffcult to find her out. They coincidentlymissed each other during the searching. In theend, Pan Sha, one of Ai Le's friends, found Ai Lein the gallery bridge in front of the school gate,who was about to leave……
  Try Their Best to Make Best Video
  The singing was voluntarily undertaken bythe girls at the Class Three of the Credit Courseat the Confucius Institute at the University ofNamibia. They have not only the singing voiceof angels but also the patience to find views andshoot the video with teachers even under thescorching sun. Every time they sang, the photog-raphers were deeply touched.
  At the moment of taking over the music scoreof "Farewell" from the teacher, the students be-gan to sing incessantly so as to produce a perfectwork as soon as possible. Shortage of professionalshooting equipment and audio devices did nothinder the recording and shooting of the musicand video with all strength.
  At the classroom of the Confucius Institute,the girls were seated in a circle and placed a mo-bile phone in the center so as to ensure the perfectsound effect. Sitting on one side, Miss Pan Yunanplayed guitar with a recording pen closely clung tothe guitar so as to eliminate the noise and preparefor the accompaniment.
  Thanks to the tacit understanding between teach-ers and students as well as among students, weobtained a satisfactory result very quickly. Although"Farewell" is a farewell song, the video shooting wascompleted in cheerful way. At the end of the shoot-ing, the students, as if they were children, rushed tothe teacher, "Miss, send the video to me as soon asyou finish editing! I will share it on the social plat-forms and show it to my friends!"
  Chinese language teaching at the Confucius Insti-tutes in Africa, especially in Namibia that is locatedin Southwest Africa, starts relatively late. Withoutfavorable condition, the students there love learningChinese and are indefatigable, being attracted by thefriendly and remote China. They hope to show theworld that the flower of Chinese language is also infull bloom in Southwest Africa.
一直渴望着能游览各地的风景名胜,但因有工作在身,加之经济条件不允许,所以一直没能实现这一愿望。  两个月前,一位同事向我介绍了网络旅游,我便登录了那家网站,注册了自己的身份,成为了会员。我看了相关的资料,大致明白了网络旅游的概念,就是会员要缴纳一定的费用,就可以在网上游览世界各地了。其中又分为自助游和跟团游,自助游没有导游,自己选择了地点后,在网上用鼠标点击就可以随意游走了;跟团游是在固定的时间内
东风夜放花千树。更吹落、星如雨。宝马雕车香满路。凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。 蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。  这首词具体写作时间不详,从词意看,大约作于中晚年。  词的一开头,就大力渲染元宵节花灯的热闹景象:满街的灯光,像春风吹开了万树花朵,吹落了满天繁星。“东风夜放花千树”,写得非常精彩,它似乎化用了唐代诗人苏味道和岑参两个人的诗句。
摘要:中国古代辩者提出的悖论,主要是一种广义上的悖论。墨家对这些悖论基本上一一进行了回应。胡适和沈有鼎曾经对中国古代辩者的这些悖论与墨家的回应做过部分考察。本文在此基础上做进一步全面把握,并深入讨论这些悖论的实质。  关键词:墨家 辩者 悖论  作者杨武金,中国人民大学哲学院教授、博士生导师(北京 100872)。  一、前言 [见英文版第29页,下同]  广义上的中国古代辩者,即指中国古代的名家
A Song“Uncommon Words" Makes TwoKenyan Girls SUDerStarS  Author/ Confucius In stitute at Kenyatta U niversity of Kenya  还记得之前,超级火的《生僻字》这首歌么?“茕茕孑立沆瀣一气踽踽独行醍醐灌顶……”  Do you still remember the fairly popul
摘要:从观象授时发展到推步制历的漫长岁月中存在一种过渡形态的历法。本文以《史记·龟策列传》宋元王占梦为线索,以众多出土文献和传世文献为依据,通过大六壬“日在加时”占法的追溯,挖掘出观象授时历向推步历过渡的形态——“月宿历”,并重新解读了《龟策列传》,纠正了钱大昕等先贤的错误。  关键词:月宿历 日在加时 龟策列传 梦占  作者冉景中,中央民族大学道教与数术学研究中心研究员、哲学博士(北京 1000
9月28日,孔子学院总部举办第五届“开放日”活动。本届开放日以“携手合作的伙伴”为主题,15个国家驻华使节、文化机构代表,20余所孔子学院中方合作院校代表,国家国际发展合作署代表,部分支持参与孔子学院建设的企业代表,媒体代表,部分社会团体,社区代表以及历届“汉语桥”比赛获奖选手和孔子学院奖学金生、“孔子新汉学计划”博士生等约400人参加活动。  欢迎仪式上,来自五大洲在华留学的历届“汉语桥”参赛大