A pilot study for distinguishing basal cell carcinoma from normal human skin tissues using visible r

来源 :癌症转移与治疗(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqtigert123
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Aim: The aim of the study is to test visible resonance Raman (VRR) spectroscopy for rapid skin cancer diagnosis,and evaluate its effectiveness as a new optical biopsy method to distinguish basal cell carcinoma (BCC) from normal skin tissues.Methods: The VRR spectroscopic technique was undertaken using 532 nm excitation. Normal and BCC human skin tissue samples were measured in seconds. The molecular fingerprints of various native biomolecules as biomarkers were analyzed. A principal component analysis - support vector machine (PCA-SVM) statistical analysis method based on the molecular fingerprints was developed for differentiating BCC from normal skin tissues.Results: VRR provides a rapid method and enhanced Raman signals from biomolecules with resonant and nearresonant absorption bands as compared with using a near-infrared excitation light source. The VRR technique revealed chemical composition changes of native biomarkers such as tryptophan, carotenoids, lipids and proteins.The VRR spectra from BCC samples showed a strong enhancement in proteins including collagen type I combined with amide I and amino acids, and a decrease in carotenoids and lipids. The PCA-SVM statistical analysis based on the molecular fingerprints of the biomarkers yielded a 93.0% diagnostic sensitivity, 100% specificity, and 94.5%accuracy compared with histopathology reports.Conclusion: VRR can enhance molecular vibrational modes of various native biomarkers to allow for very fast display of Raman modes in seconds. It may be used as a label-free molecular pathology method for diagnosis of skin cancer and other diseases and be used for combined treatment with Mohs surgery for BCC.
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