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长白朝鲜族自治县地处祖国东北边陲,各类人才相对匮乏。县委、县政府坚持把人才资源整体开发工作摆在突出位置,充分发挥人事部门的职能作用,积极协调有关部门,狠抓人才队伍建设,实现了人才开发、科技进步与经济增长的协调统一,有力地推动了全县国民经济和社会事业的健康? Changbai Korean Autonomous County is located in the northeast border of the motherland, all kinds of talents are relatively scarce. County Party Committee and County Government adhere to the overall development of human resources in a prominent position, give full play to the functions of personnel departments, and actively coordinate the departments concerned, pay close attention to the construction of qualified personnel to achieve talent development, scientific and technological progress and economic growth, harmonization and strong To promote the county's national economy and social health?
初春,细雨蒙蒙。 同学们围在花坛旁。有的说花儿真艳,有的说微雨湿润后的花儿更美,有的说花儿真香……我趁势说,这些花是美,欣赏这些花会陶冶我们的情操,会激发我们爱生活的
美国麻省理工学院的冯·卡门教授是一位享誉世界的“超音速时代之父”,也是我国著名科学家 钱学森的导师。 Prof. von Carmen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol
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汉俳短小精悍,既可抒情,又可写意,更是文人们意为酬唱的载体。 Hankow dapper, lyrical, but also freehand, but also for the literati means rewarding carrier.
秋天,万山红遍,层林尽染。满山的红叶是怎样变红的呢? Autumn, Wanshan popular, storied make dye. How does the red leaves of a mountain turn red?