Objective To identify and analyze the hazard factors of occupational diseases in a mapping unit of a project and determine the degree of occupational hazards of the cartographic units in this project so as to provide a scientific basis for taking reasonable control measures. Methods Occupational hygiene tests and occupational health tests were conducted in the field. In 2014, the occupational hazards of the engineering drawing unit were tested on a quarterly basis in 2014. In the fourth quarter, different absorbing solutions were used to measure ammonia Concentration test, the results of the comparison list method to explore. Results The main occupational hazards of the engineering drawing unit were ammonia. The concentration of ammonia in the paper inlet of the tanning machine in the third quarter exceeded the occupational exposure limit. The concentrations of ammonia in the workplace in other quarters and other testing sites all met the occupational exposure limits Claim. 0.005mol / L sulfuric acid solution for the detection of ammonia concentration when the absorbent is higher than the absorption of distilled water when the test results. Conclusion The ammonia concentration in the workplace of the engineering drawing unit has basically reached the national health standard. Different concentrations of absorbent liquid in the workplace, the absorption of ammonia in the air is different, the proposed use of sulfuric acid solution for workplace air ammonia collection,