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2008年是楚雄彝族自治州建州五十华诞,楚雄州作为全省乃至最具发展活力和竞争优势的少数民族自治州之一,彰显出巨大的发展潜力与前景。在实施旅游“二次创业”的进程中,楚雄州明确提出了建设彝族文化名州,将楚雄打造成为集观光、休闲、康体、娱乐、美食为一体的旅游胜地和彝族文化黄金走廊,打造昆楚、昆攀两大文化旅游经济带。 2008 is the 50th birthday of Chuxiong County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture. As one of the autonomous prefectures in the province and even the most dynamic and competitive edge in development, Chuxiong Prefecture demonstrates tremendous development potential and prospects. In the implementation of tourism “second pioneering ” process, Chuxiong state explicitly proposed the construction of Yi culture famous state, Chuxiong into a set of sightseeing, leisure, sports, entertainment, cuisine as one of the tourist destination and the Yi cultural gold corridor , Build Kun Chu, Kun climbing two cultural tourism economic belt.
全国人大代表、女子短道速滑冬奥会冠军杨扬建议修改刑法,增设相应罪名和条款,以打击在体育运动中组织、引 National People’s Congress, the women’s short track speed
Kate and Judy are hungry, so they go to a restaurant(餐馆) to have dinner.  Welcome to our restaurant! Here is the menu(菜单).  Thanks. Judy, what would you like to eat?  I would like to eat some_________
为开发运用仙茅多糖提供科学依据,使用纤维素酶优化仙茅多糖的提取工艺,并探讨多糖体外抗氧化活性。对影响酶解工艺的酶添加量、温度、时间和p H值,运用响应面法进行优化;通
Johnson was a young soldier in a big camp(军营)。
It is generally believed that Chinese invented the kite which represents their pursuit of better life. Inspired by flying birds, ancient Chinese scientist Mo Di