Development and testing of a detailed kinetic mechanism of natural gas combustion in internal combus

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cpingpeng
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A detailed chemical mechanism to describe the combustion of natural gas in internal combustion (IC) engine has been developed,which is consisting of 233 reversible reactions and 79 species.This mechanism accounts for the oxidation of methane,ethane,propane and nitrogen.It has been tested using IC engine model of CHEMKIN 4.1.1 and experimental measurements.The performance of the proposed mechanism was evaluated at various equivalence ratios (φ=0.6 to φ=1.3),initial reactor conditions (Tini=500 to 3500 ℃;Pini=1.0 to 10 atm) and engine speed (2000-7000 rpm).The proposed kinetic mechanism shows good concordances with GRI3.0 mechanism especially in the prediction of temperature,pressure and major product species (H2O,CO2) profiles at stoichiometric conditions (φ=1.0).The experimental results of measured cylinder pressure,species fractions were also in agreement with simulation results derived from the proposed kinetic mechanism.The proposed mechanism successfully predicts the formation of gaseous pollutants (CO,NO,NO2,NH3) in the engine exhaust.Although there are some discrepancies among each simulation profile,the proposed detailed mechanism is good to represent the combustion of natural gas in IC engine. A detailed chemical mechanism to describe the combustion of natural gas in internal combustion (IC) engine has been developed, which is comprised of 233 reversible reactions and 79 species. This mechanism accounts for the oxidation of methane, ethane, propane and nitrogen. It has has tested using IC engine model of CHEMKIN 4.1.1 and experimental measurements. The performance of the proposed mechanism was evaluated at various equivalence ratios (φ = 0.6 to φ = 1.3), initial reactor conditions (Tini = 500 to 3500 ° C; Pini = 1.0 to 10 atm) and engine speed (2000-7000 rpm). The proposed kinetic mechanism shows good concordances with GRI3.0 mechanism especially in the prediction of temperature, pressure and major product species (H2O, CO2) profiles at stoichiometric conditions (φ = 1.0). The experimental results of measured cylinder pressure, species fractions were also in agreement with simulation results derived from the proposed kinetic mechanism. Proposed proposed mechanism successfully predicts the formation of gaseous pollutants (CO, NO, NO2, NH3) in the engine exhaust.Although there are some discrepancies among each simulation profile, the proposed detailed mechanism is good to represent the combustion of natural gas in IC engine.
1 临床资料 患者30例,经内镜和病理检查证实为活动性十二指肠溃疡。随机分两组,国产奥美拉唑(OMEc)治疗组15例,进口奥美拉唑(OMEf)对照组15例。其中治疗组男11例,女4例,平均年龄38岁;对照组男10例,女5例,平均年
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