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光皮树是我国新近挖掘的一种木本食用油料树种,春、冬两季均可播种,次年移栽。具有速生、高产、分枝能力强等特点,寿命长达200余年。植后2—3年挂果5—10公斤,5年后进入盛果期,单株产量达100公斤,两株光皮树可抵一亩多油菜的产油量。它适应性强,我国各地均宜栽植。据国家油脂局及中科院测定:其果含油量达33%,由油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、棕榈酸等近十种脂肪酸组成。其营养价值与豆油、花生油相媲美。油质黄而透明,清香,点灯无烟味。对高血脂症、瘘症、肺结核等症疗效显著,又是军工机械仪表润滑油和油漆原料。株高15米,木质坚硬,耐腐耐磨, Light Leather Tree is a newly excavated woody edible oil tree species in our country. It can be planted in spring and winter and transplanted in the following year. With fast-growing, high yield, branching ability and other characteristics, life expectancy of up to 200 years. 2-3 kg after planting fruiting fruiting 5-10 kg, 5 years later into the full fruit stage, the yield per plant up to 100 kg, two light trees can be reached more than one mu of oil rape oil production. It is adaptable and suitable for planting all over China. According to the National Oil Bureau and the Chinese Academy of Sciences measured: the oil content of 33%, from oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, nearly ten kinds of fatty acids. Its nutritional value and soybean oil, peanut oil comparable. Yellow and transparent oil, fragrance, lighting non-smoking. Hyperlipidemia, fistula, tuberculosis embolism significant effect, but also military machinery and instrumentation lubricants and paint raw materials. Plant 15 meters high, hard wood, decay resistant,
一、概述浙贝母(Fritilla fhunbergii Mig)系百合科多年生草本植物,以地下鳞茎入药,具止咳化痰,清热润肺等疗效。浙江鄞县、杭州、江苏海门、南通及上海等地均有栽培,但主产