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  Galileo Galilei was a mathematician[数学家], physicist[物理学家], philosopher and astronomer[天文学家]. He is often considered the father of modern science.
  Paul Ronney (Professor of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California): Galileo was the one who really put together the principles[法则,原理] of experiment, theory and mathematics together into a common framework.
  Amy Mainzer (Scientist at JPL注): Probably more than anyone else, Galileo was really the person responsible for[造成……的原因] developing modern astronomy[天文学].
  Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. He was educated in a Jesuit[耶稣会信徒] monastery[修道院]. Before he studied medicine at the University of Pisa, Galileo first gained fame when he discovered what is now called the law of the pendulum[钟摆].
  Dr. Laura Danly (Curator, Griffith Observatory[天文台]): One day in the cathedral[大教堂] he was watching the lamps that were hanging from the ceiling and saw them swaying back and forth, and started thinking about the nature of a pendulum.
  Ronney: He found that the amplitude[振幅] of the swaying doesn’t matter, but the length of the pendulum does, and this became the genesis[起源] of regulation[校准] of clocks, for which he became instantly[立即地] famous.
  Galileo also gained fame by supposedly using the leaning Tower of Pisa to prove the law of constant acceleration[等加速度].
  Ronney: It’s said that Galileo dropped two steel balls of different masses[质量] but the same material from the leaning Tower of Pisa, and they landed at the same time, in contrast to[和……形成对比] what Aristotle would have predicted. Mainzer: What’s important about this is not only the result but the fact that he ushered[开创] in this new method of doing science, where you conduct an experiment to test a hypothesis[假设]. He showed that you have to do more than just think something’s true, you have to prove it.
  In 1609, Galileo heard about a telescope built by a Dutch eyeglass-maker. He soon built his own, 32 times more powerful, and started studying the heavens.
  Danly: When Galileo looked at Jupiter[木星] through a telescope, he discovered four tiny, little lights that seemed to circle Jupiter. Those are what are now referred to as the Galileian moons.
  Ronney: This confirmed Copernicus’ idea that celestial[天上的] bodies rotate each other. He also looked at Venus[金星] and found that it had phases[相位].
  Mainzer: This discovery was revolutionary because it really proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt[毫无疑问], that the earth is not the center of the universe.   During his life Galileo published his findings in several manuscripts[手稿]. Most of these earned him the ire[愤怒] of the Catholic Church, which eventually labelled him a heretic[异端者]. He was sentenced to house arrest[软禁在家] for the last years of his life, and died on January 8th, 1642.
  Danly: Galileo was really the father of Western science. Prior to[在前] his time there really was not the same sensibility[敏感性] of experimental science. Galileo is fundamentally responsible for what we know about the universe today.
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