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   Different diet concepts 不同的饮食观念
   Western people prefer to have a balanced1 diet. They usually pay much attention to all kinds of nutritions that they can get from the foods, such as calories, vitamins, proteins etc, and they try to take in each of the nutritions in a scientific amount. Besides, in their opinion, people should choose food that fit the necessities of themselves.
   On the contrary, Chinese care more about food’s color, smell, taste, which work together to make a dish both appetitive2 to our eyes and taste. Chinese would pick up food carefully, so they go to the foods market for fresh foods every day. But most of westerners go to the supermarket only once a week. And each time they will purchase foods and then store the foods in the refrigerator3, from which we can see that they like to eat cold foods rather than fresh ones.
   Different cooking methods 不同的烹饪方法
   In China, cooking is an art which attracts them a lot. Just like dance, poetry and painting, cooking can also be a spiritual pursuing4. There are a lot of cooking methods in China, for example, fry, boil, steam, stew, grill, and so on. So cooking Chinese foods usually takes much time and they are changeable, not matter in the taste or in the cooking ways.
  However, Western diets emphasizes5 science and nutrition and the whole process of cooking should strictly6 follow the scientific standards. As a result, cooking turns to be a monotonous work which does not need any skills. The main purpose of eating for westerners is to absorb7 nutrition, and if the nutrition in the foods is enough, the other things are not so important.
   Different diet objectives 不同的饮食目的
   Westerners think that food is used to satisfy their hunger, so they eat a great deal of meat, no matter chicken, pork or beef. Meanwhile8, they have a special taste of foods and always stick to them. The key point of western food is particularly on the scenery and table service instead of the taste of the foods themselves. Thus many good restaurant are usually built at the beautiful mountaintop, park or the revolving9 dining-room of a skyscraper10. We see that western people have food just for enjoyment of the atmosphere and the scenery, but not the taste.
   However, the key point of Chinese food is on the taste and participation. And the Chinese food has also conquered11 the world with its taste. There is a funny saying in China—if you want to conquer a man’s heart, you should conquer his stomach first. In China, people share the dish in the same plates, moreover, the host will always help to keep your bowl full to show their hospitality12, so mostly the friendship among people are reinforced after a meal.
  [1] balanced adj. 平衡的 [2] appetitive adj. 食欲的;有食欲的;开胃的
  [3] refrigerator n. 冰箱 [4] pursuing n. 追求;追逐
  [5] emphasize v. 强调,着重 [6] strictly adv. 严格地;完全地
  [7] absorb vt. 吸收 [8] meanwhile adv. 同时,其间
  [9] revolving adj. 旋转的 [10] skyscraper n. 摩天楼,超高层大楼
  [11] conquer vt. 战胜,征服 [12] hospitality n. 好客;殷勤
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