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自1989年1月~1991年6月共抢救中毒病人114例,重症37例,我们在抢救本病过程中有经验、有教训,现将体会介绍如下: 1 彻底清除毒物是抢救成功的基础 我们对口服中毒病人进行及时而彻底的洗胃,对一些中毒时间较长病人,只要不超过24小时,均必须彻底洗胃,即使中毒时间超过24小时,我们在下胃管抽取胃内容时有有机磷农药味也进行洗胃,因服毒后病人消化系统有一定的保护机制,消化道对毒物的吸收慢,潴留时间长。我们对服毒时间最长的病人,在洗胃过程中仍可见藏留毒液,我们还认为在洗胃过程中变失体位,轻轻按摩上腹部,对彻底洗出毒物有一定帮助,所以彻底洗胃清除毒物,切断了毒物的继续吸收是抢救中毒病人成功的先决条件。 对皮肤吸收中毒病人,要反复清洗更换衣服,不要一次清洗大事完毕,对皮肤皱褶还更要彻底清洗。 2 乙酰胆碱拮抗剂及胆碱酯酶复能剂的合理应用 From January 1989 to June 1991 a total of 114 cases of rescue poisoning patients, severe cases in 37 cases, we have the experience in the rescue of the disease, have learned the lesson will now be introduced as follows: 1 thorough removal of poison is the basis for the success of our rescue Oral poisoning patients prompt and thorough gastric lavage, for some patients with longer poisoning, as long as no more than 24 hours, must be thoroughly gastric lavage, even if the poisoning time more than 24 hours, we gastric contents in the stomach when pumping organophosphate Pesticide flavor also gastric lavage, because after taking the patient’s digestive system has a protective mechanism, slow absorption of the digestive tract poison, retention time long. We treat the longest serving patient in the gastric lavage can still be found in possession of venom, we also believe that in the gastric lavage lost position, gently massage the upper abdomen, to wash out the toxic substances have some help, so thoroughly washed Stomach clearance of poison, cut off the continued absorption of poison is a prerequisite for the success of the rescue of poisoning patients. Absorption of the skin poisoning patients, to repeatedly replace the clothes to clean, do not once the cleaning is completed, the skin folds even more to be thoroughly cleaned. 2 acetylcholine antagonist and cholinesterase agent for the rational application
高清晰度的超声扫描的发明使研究胎儿情况成为可能。目前已经有面部畸形与非整倍体关系的报道。其中面部缺陷占先天畸形 The invention of high-resolution ultrasound sca
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我院1990年3月至1992年4月收治邱氏鼠药急性中毒15例,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 15例中,男6例,女9例。年龄1~14岁3例,15~30岁6例,31~45岁4例,45岁以上2例。均为口