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目的:探讨保留足趾的自体复合第2足趾关节移植治疗手指关节炎的临床疗效。方法:2016年2月至2018年6月,共收治创伤性手指关节炎9例,其中男7例,女2例;年龄19~ 53岁,平均31.7岁;示指3例,中指6例;掌指关节(MP)关节炎4例,近侧指骨间关节(PIP)关节炎5例;均为创伤后继发的手指关节炎。采用游离带血供的自体复合第2足趾跖趾或趾骨间关节移植进行治疗,同时将受区废弃关节(7例)或切取自体髂骨移植(2例)修复供区骨缺损保留足趾长度,供区创面均直接关闭。术后观察手指和足趾骨折愈合情况、外形、移植关节活动度(ROM)、术后供区愈合情况和行走功能及相关并发症。结果:本组术后9例移植关节全部成活,1例足部供区行髂骨植骨微型钢板固定,术后1周伤口不愈合,考虑为内固定物排异反应,予拆除钢板改克氏针交叉固定,2周后创口顺利愈合。术后随访6~ 30个月,平均16.3个月。手指骨折平均愈合时间7~ 10周,平均8.3周,手指外观及功能良好。移植后的MP活动度为50°~75°,平均65.3°,PIP活动度为10°~85°,平均60.6°。根据中华医学会手外科学分会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评价手指功能:优5例,良3例,可1例,优良率为88.9%。足趾骨折平均愈合时间9~ 12周,平均10.2周,所有患者足趾外形良好,行走功能正常。2例取髂骨患者供区仅残留一条线形瘢痕,无疼痛、麻木等不适。结论:游离带血供的自体复合第2足趾关节移植治疗手指关节炎,同时应用受区废弃关节或切取自体髂骨移植修复供区骨缺损保留足趾,不仅能恢复手指关节的正常结构,使关节具有良好的功能,而且能保留足趾外形与功能,减少供区损伤,具有良好的治疗效果。“,”Objective:To evaluate the clinical outcome of transplantation of metatarsophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joint of the second toe with toe preservation for repair of traumatic digital arthritis.Methods:From February, 2016 to June, 2018, nine cases with traumatic digital arthritis were treated, including 7 males and 2 females aged from 19 to 46 (average 26.7) years. Three cases had index finger and 6 middle fingers injuried. Four cases had arthritis in metacarpophalangeal joint (MP) and 5 in proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP). All cases with digital arthritis were secondary to trauma. The involved digital joints were reconstructed by transplanting the MP or PIP of the second toes. At the same time, the affected joints (7 cases) or autologous iliac bone grafts (2 cases) were used to repair the bone defects to retain the length of toes. The donor site were closed directly. The appearance and healing of fractures of the fingers and toes, range of motion (ROM) of the transplanted digital joint, healing of the donor site, foot function and complications were observed.Results:All 9 grafted joints survived. In 1 case, the bone defect in the donor site was fixed with iliac bone graft and mini-plate. The wound did not heal at 1 week after operation, which was considered as a rejection of internal fixator. The wound healed smoothly after having the plate removed and replaced it with a cross-fixation by Kirschner pins. Duration of postoperative followed-up was 6-30 (mean 16.3) months. Primary postoperative healing was achieved in all cases. The bone healing time in the hand was 7 to 10 (mean 8.3) weeks. The appearance and function was satisfactory. The postoperative range of motion (ROM) in the transferred MP was 50°-75°(mean 65.3°), and ROM of PIP was 10°-80°(mean 61.5°). According to the evaluation standard of upper limb function set up by the Society of Hand Surgery of Chinese Medical Association, excellent in 5 cases, good in 3 cases and fair in 1 case, with an overall satisfaction of 88.9%. The bone healing time in the foot was 9 to 12 (mean 10.2) weeks. All cases presented with good appearance of the toe without obvious affect to walking and running. For the ilium, there was only an inconspicuous linear scar without any discomfort in the donor iliac area of 2 cases.Conclusion:Transfering of MP and PIP of the second toe with toe preservation can restore the anatomy structure and function of the digital joint. Meantime, the use of autogenous iliac bone graft to replace the donor site defect may retain the length of the toe and minimizes the injury to the donor site.
【摘 要】说明文阅读教学在中学语文教学中处于比较薄弱的环节,教学中应该注意回归语文本体,切忌把说明文阅读课上成科学知识课;挖掘情趣,使学生喜闻乐学;关注文本的言语特色,引导学生从一般规律中发现特殊性,激发学生的求知欲。  【关键词】说明文阅读教学 存在问题 解决措施  现行中学语文教材中说明文教学有着举足轻重的地位,说明文阅读在中考现代文阅读中往往占有半壁江山。然而说明文的教学历来是中学语文教学中
【摘 要】传统的作文教学模式是一种“以教师为中心”的模仿式的教学模式,“教”重于“学”,这种教学方式显然不能适应新课程改革的要求。“成功感悟教学法”就是利用学生在作文学习过程中产生的成功感,来激发学习兴趣,提高学生学习的主动性、自觉性,“学”的力量大于“教”的力量,以达到最佳的教学效果。  【关键词】成功感悟 教学法 评价观  我们传统的作文教学模式是一种“以教师为中心”的模仿式的教学模式,教师在
【摘 要】语言在长期的实践中潜移默化,从而积淀了社会生活和文化熏陶的内容和性质。语感是一种心灵的感觉,和一个人的思想情感有着千丝万缕的联系。学生通过阅读,与作者进行思维碰撞和心灵交流获得审美体验。  【关键词】初中 语文 语感教学 意义 实施  语感培养是语文教学的重点和主要任务,是语文教学的关键和关口,是进行语文教学的前提和基础,又是语文教学的主要目的之所在。 语感好的人可以灵敏地对语言资料的重
【摘 要】《普通高中语文课程标准(实验)》强调,语文教学应为学生创设良好的自主学习情境,帮助他们树立主体意识,根据各自的特点和需要,自觉调整学习心态和策略,探寻适合自己的学习方法和途径。  【关键词】情感教学 情境创设  一、情感教育的定义来源  所谓情感教学法,是指在教学过程中,教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度或情感体验,从而达到学生透