Contributing to a moderate and diversified development of Macau economy

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  Supported by a host of official organizations including the Macau SAR Government and organized by Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited in partnership with several state-owned companies including China National Machinery Industry Corporation, the 2017 Macau Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition, themed with"Grand Gathering in Macau” successfully closed on 5 November, implementing the relevant requirements of the Central Government on the moderate and diversified development of Macau economy. Government leaders from the mainland and Macau SAR attended the exhibition opening ceremony and related activities.

  After seven years of elaborate cultivation , all the three exhibitions have now been approved by UFI and rank among high-end scale international exhibitions with regional influence. According to statistics, the three exhibitions this year attracted 180,000 visitors admission, including 60,000 visitors arriving in Macau specifically for visiting the shows. The visitors contributed to 600 million MOP income for Macau economy, which shows the strong economic driving ability of the MICE industry. The three annual exhibitions as grand gatherings greatly enhances the image of the city of Macau, and promotes the construction of the city as a world leisure tourism center city and international delicacy destination, promoting a diversified development of Macau economy.
  On 3-5 November, the organizers presented the 7th Macau Automobile, Yacht and the 6th Macau Business Aviation Exhibition in The Cotai Arena, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf and Macau International Airport respectively. With a total area of nearly 100,000 square meters, the three shows welcomed about 160 famous international brands in the fields of automobile, yacht and business aviation industry. Over the period of exhibition, there were more than 80 exciting events, including professional forum and signing ceremony, business aircraft boarding experience, new product release, children’s painting, photography competition, model competition, simulated driving race and so on.

  Taking the location advantage of Macau of radiating Southeast Asia and connecting with the international market, the three exhibitions gave full play to the functions of a trade and service platform between the Portuguese speaking countries, and continuously enhanced the scale and quality, and helped display and promote original Chinese brands to the overseas markets. According to third party statistics, the visitors to the three shows from outside of Macau this year stayed half more day than last year, and spent 1-2 times more than leisure tourists.
  The 8th Macau Automobile Exhibition,Yacht Exhibition and the 7th Macau Business Aviation Exhibition will be held on 2-4, November 2018.
From 30 August and 3 September 2018, the 14th China (Nanjing) International Software Product & Information Service Expo (CIS) was held in Nanjing International Expo Center. The Expo was sponsored by P
记者:请简单介绍一下您公司当前的客户群和业务规模。  Cronning:目前我們有很多客户都是国际主办方,本地主办方客户也越来越多,另外还有很多参展商客户。我们是The ticketpro Dome和南非博览中心这两个场馆的官方电工,因此到这两个场馆参加展会的展商基本都会认识我们。虽然我们公司刚刚成立四年,但我们在这个行业的经验是业内一流的。成立至今,我们已经成为南非领先的展览公司。  记者:近年
记者:AAXO代表了南非80%的展览主办方。请您介绍当地展览业发展的情况以及中国展商有哪些机会。  Weaving:在南非,每年有30多个主办方举办大约180多场大型展览会,励展、英富曼、慕尼黑、法兰克福等大型展览公司均已进驻当地市场。南非是进入非洲其他市场的跳板,我建议中国参展商可以首先参加在南非举办的展览会。目前,中国已经连续8年成为南非最大的贸易伙伴,双边贸易非常活跃。而南非的中产阶级人数不
Reporter: AAXO represents 8 0 % of t he ex h ibit ion organising community in South Africa. Please introduce the development of local exhibition industry and your suggestions for exhibitors.  Weaving:
A new era is well under way in trade fair and event logistics. TFI spoke with the association and two IELA members: Roland Kreitmayr, DB Schenker’s head of fairs and exhibitions and special transports
作为一家大会展全生态服务商,嘉诺展览集团成立12年来,一直秉承“成就客户”的经营理念,为客户提供全方位的会展综合服务。截至2017年10月,已有逾6000多家客户同嘉诺合作,每年促成的直接或间接的交易额达到百亿元。  以客户需求为基点构建会展服务体系  作为一家“大会展全生态”服务商,嘉诺展览集团有限公司(“嘉诺展览”)旨在提供融合所有会展业态并使之能够互生共长的商业系统。据嘉诺展览服务事业群副总
编者按:作为印度尼西亚最大的会展中心,印度尼西亚会展中心设施齐全,并且在国际标准和可持续发展方面走在区域前列。  记者:请简单介绍一下印度尼西亚会展中心(ICE)的设施。  ICE是印度尼西亚最大的会展中心。占地22公顷,有10个无柱展厅,展览总面积为50000平方米,以及33间不同规模的会议室,和一个4000平方米的会议厅。另外我们也有一个40000平方米的“游乐场”。会展中心交通便利,服务优良
当前,在展会上,在产品展示中使用技术手段这一做法得到很多人的支持,但也有很多人发出质疑,认为技术的使用会减少人与人之间的互动。专注于活动营销的Live Marketing公司董事长Anne Trompeter女士就相关问题分享了见解。  人们对面对面营销中使用技术这一做法存在争议。在您看来,技术会削弱人们的亲身体验吗?  这在很大程度上取决于技术的设计。好的技术可以跟其他的体验互为补充、相互整合。
由中国化工信息中心(CNCIC)和MINH VI Exhibition & Advertisement Service Co.,Ltd展览公司(VEAS)共同主办的第五届越南涂料、油墨及印刷工业展览会,作为在越南举办的涂料行业的专业展会,将于2018年6月13-15日在胡志明市西贡国际展览中心开幕。本届展会得到越南工业和贸易部以及越南涂料和油墨协会的大力支持,这有效扩大了展会的影响力,并将吸引更多
美国总统奥巴马称其为“世界领先的工业技术展会”。德国总理默克尔则称之为“规模最大的工业盛会”。它就是汉诺威工业博览会——世界领先的工业技术展会,每年吸引着全球各地的政治和商业领袖们齐聚一堂。  2018汉诺威工业博览会将于4月23-27日在德国汉诺威展览中心举行,将展示从自动化和机器人、軟件和IT、动力传动和流体技术到综合能源系统、分包和轻量化设计以及研发的全套工业技术。此外,世界领先的供应链管理