
来源 :世界知识画报·艺术视界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windwebsystem
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  A great challenge lies in front of the modern bird-and-flower painters is to create new bird-and-flower paintings fitting the demand and aesthetic taste of the time. The practices by pioneering painters show that a new idea and new theme must be integrated and sublimated into innovative forms and artistic languages, otherwise they cannot present new aesthetic feelings. That requires tough explorations. The artworks of bird-andflower painter Pang Shunyao reflect such explorations. His artworks present a brand new aesthetic perspective full of vigor and vitality. His bird-and-flower paintings have strong and vivid visual impact, as well as the unique aesthetic experience and emotional changes of the artist.



  Pang Shunyao is the pen name of Pang Ya. He was born in Chongqing in 1964. In 2005, he carried out advanced study in China Art Research Institution. He now serves as a member of China Artists Association, member of China Calligraphers Association, visiting professor of Capital University of Economics and Business. His artworks were selected for many large-scaled auction activities organized by renowned auction houses such as Beijing Hanhai, Shanghai Chongyuan, Shaanxi Wende, and Chongqing Jiayuan. The artworks were presented to important government officials and international friends as gifts by the International Department, Central Committee of CPC.
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