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豆腐是我国的一种古老传统食品。如明代李时珍的《本草纲目》、叶子奇的《草目子》等著作中,都有豆腐之法始于汉淮南王刘安的记载。豆腐是以黄豆、青豆、黑豆为原料,经浸泡、磨浆、过滤、煮浆、加细、凝固和成型等工序加工而成。据营养学分析,大豆的蛋曲质效价可与鱼肉相媲美,其氨基酸的组成比较好,人体所必需的8种氢基酸它都有。豆腐及豆腐制品的蛋白质含量比大豆高,而且其比例也接近人体需要,还含有脂肪、碳水化台物、维生素和矿物质等。另一方面,用大豆直接制成食品,人体对其蛋白质的消化吸收率只有65%,而制成豆腐以后,消化吸收率就可以提高到92%~95%。而且豆腐及其制品只含豆固醇不含胆固醇,不但有益人体神经、血管、大脑的发育生长,而目还可以预防心血管病、肥胖病等常见病发生。可见,豆腐不仅美味,还具有养生保健的作用。中医书籍记载:豆腐,味甘性凉,入脾胃大肠经,具有益气和中、生津 Tofu is an ancient traditional food in China. Such as the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen’s “Compendium of Materia Medica”, Yeziqi’s “Grassroots” and other works, there are laws of tofu began in Han Huainan Wang Liu An records. Tofu is soybeans, green beans, black beans as raw material, after soaking, refining, filtration, boiling pulp, fine, coagulation and molding processes such as processing. According to nutrition analysis, soybean egg quality comparable with the fish, its amino acid composition is relatively good, the body’s eight kinds of hydrogen acids it has. Tofu and tofu products have higher protein content than soybeans, and their proportions are close to those of the human body. They also contain fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, with soybeans made directly into the food, the body’s digestion and absorption rate of its protein is only 65%, and made of tofu, digestion and absorption rate can be increased to 92% to 95%. And tofu and its products contain only sterol does not contain cholesterol, not only beneficial to human nerve, blood vessels, brain development and growth, but also can prevent cardiovascular disease, obesity and other common diseases. Visible, tofu is not only delicious, but also has the role of health care. Chinese medicine records: tofu, sweet and cool, into the stomach by the large intestine, with Qi and, Sheng Jin
日本的学者研究发现,如果给肝癌患者补充适量的β-胡萝卜素后,呈高值的癌变细胞会有所下降。据介绍,胡萝卜的奇妙功效在于当β-胡 Japanese scholars have found that if pa
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无论是作为学者的周海江,还是作为企业家的周海江,对他的评价都离不开“创新”两个字。在他的带领下,红豆成长为服装行业的旗舰企业,年收益达280亿元。 Both Zhou Haijiang
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