立足科技兴水 促进水利发展

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近年来,建湖县的水利建设工作,在科学技术是第一生产力的方针指导下,立足科技兴水,以科技为先导,大胆探索研究,外引内研,取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益,促进了水利事业的发展,在实践中摸索了一套科技兴水的路子。 1、集思广益,搞好圩区综合治理。建湖县地处里下河腹部地区,地势低洼,历史上形成的自然小圩于有2000多个。1965年洪涝灾害后,开始搞圩区建设,逐年联并成226个圩区。但进入八十年代中期后,这些圩区又不适应现代工农业生产发展的需要。县水利局又提出了进一步联圩并圩的设想,这个想法得到了县领导的支持,局里组织科技人员反复论 In recent years, Jianhu County water conservancy construction work, science and technology is the primary productive force under the guidance of the principle of science and technology based on water, science and technology as a pilot, bold exploration and study, cited lead internal research, and achieved remarkable social benefits and economy Efficiency, and promote the development of water conservancy cause, in practice, explored a set of science and technology Xingshui path. 1, brainstorming, improve polder comprehensive management. Jianhu County is located in the belly of the Lixiahe area, low-lying, formed in the history of natural Xiaoxu in more than 2,000. After the flooding in 1965, the construction of polder areas began to be built and 226 polders were merged each year. However, after entering the mid-1980s, these polders did not meet the needs of modern industrial and agricultural production. County Water Conservancy Bureau also put forward the idea of ​​further unite and Wei, this idea has been the support of the county leaders, the bureau organization scientific and technological personnel repeatedly
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