桓台——著名的建筑之乡。 20世纪末,改革开放的春风使桓台这颗齐鲁大地上的明珠焕发出了新的辉煌,桓台县的造纸业——山东博汇集团也上了一个新台阶。董事长兼总经理杨延良也成为传奇人物。世上本来没有路,人走多了就形成了路。杨延良用脚踏实地的脚印,留下了许许多多使人难忘的故事……
Huantai - the famous town of architecture. At the end of the 20th century, the spring breeze of reform and opening up gave Huantai the pearl on the Qilu earth a new glory. Huaneng County’s paper-making industry-Shandong Bohui Group also took a new step. Yang Yanliang chairman and general manager has become a legend. The world has no way, people walked a long way to go. Yang Yan-liang with down-to-earth footprints, leaving many memorable stories ......