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5月的新疆,山花烂漫。我们迎来了第33个民族团结教育月。33年栉风沐雨,民族团结之树早已深深植根于新疆各族人民心中,枝繁叶茂,硕果累累。2015年,塔城地区开展了创建全国民族团结进步示范地区的活动,同处塔额盆地的九师也积极配合,一场轰轰烈烈的民族团结进步模范单位创建活动在九师迅速开展起来,民族团结之花在塔额盆地处处盛开。近年来,九师各级党委对民族工作高度重视,紧紧“围绕共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展”的民族工作主题,认真贯彻党的民族宗教政策,坚持把民族工作的方针政策和九师民族工作的实际紧密地结合起来,促进了九师经济社会的发展,各族职工群众的生活有了很大改善,少数民族事业取得了发展,民族团结深入人心,民族团结进步事业不断发展。 Xinjiang in May, Yamahana brilliant. We have welcomed the 33rd month of national unity education. For 33 years, the tree of national unity has been deeply rooted in the hearts of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, with flourishing achievements and fruitful achievements. In 2015, activities in Tacheng Prefecture to establish a demonstration area for national unity and progress in the country were carried out. In the same period, the nine divisions of the Tataka Basin also actively cooperated. A vigorous demonstration of units for national solidarity and progress was created. When the nine divisions were rapidly mobilized, The flower is in full bloom in the tower forehead basin. In recent years, the nine-party party committees at all levels attach great importance to the work of ethnic minorities and firmly hold the theme of national work “focusing on common solidarity and common prosperity and development.” They conscientiously implement the Party’s national and religious policies and adhere to the principles and policies of ethnic work. The actual work of ethnic minorities combined closely and promoted the economic and social development of the nine divisions. The living standards of the workers and staff of all ethnic groups have been greatly improved, the cause of ethnic minorities has developed, the national unity enjoys popular support and the cause of national solidarity and progress has continued to develop.
既改革体制,也改造生产力 记者:近几年,青岛的建设和改革搞得如何? 刘鹏:这几年,青岛的发展速度比较快,去年工业产值净增31亿,今年可能增加45亿元。经济效益比较好,首先还是
本文以低合金高强度钢防裂模型为蓝本,在球罐防止硫化氢应力腐蚀开裂有关规定方面,以及在达标管理、扩散氢管理、线能量管理和焊缝打磨等方面进行了较全面综述。 In this pa
一、三十五年来的物价变动 (一) 战后初期(1948—1961年) 战后初期,南朝鲜面临的最迫切任务是平定粮价问题。1948年4月末的粮价是每斗米1,320元(南朝鲜元,下同),到同年8月末