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一、农业产业化经营的内涵及实现农业产业化经营的客观条件笔者认为,农业产业化经营就是以市场为依托,以农户为基础,以从事农业产业为主体的实力企业为龙头,把农产品的生产、加工、运销等各个环节紧密地联系起来,使各个环节经营主体通过资本,科技和管理结成利益共同体,形成种养加、产供销、农工贸一体化经营的农业产业链。农业产业化经营的目的是最大限度地推进农业现代化的发展进程,其根本目的是把我国农业推上国内外市场,让广大农民真正成为占领市场的主力军。真正成为市场经济的受益者,农民不仅可以以农业产业领域的企业家身份独立于市场之林,更重要的是农民能从自己的产业化经营的各个环节中得到利益。在一定意义上说,实现农业产 1. The connotation of agricultural industrialization and the objective conditions for realizing the industrialization of agriculture The author believes that the industrialization of agriculture is based on the market, based on farmers, and is led by a powerful enterprise that focuses on the agricultural industry. Production, processing, transportation, and other links are closely linked, so that each link of business entities forms a community of interests through capital, science and technology, and management, forming an agricultural industrial chain that integrates farming, production, supply, marketing, and agriculture, industry, and trade. The purpose of agricultural industrialization management is to maximize the progress of the development of agricultural modernization. Its fundamental purpose is to push China’s agriculture onto the domestic and foreign markets, so that the majority of farmers will truly become the main force in the occupation of the market. In order to truly become a beneficiary of the market economy, farmers can not only be independent of the forest market as entrepreneurs in the agricultural industry, but more importantly, farmers can benefit from all aspects of their industrialized operations. In a sense, to achieve agricultural production
China’s big-three oil companies - CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC - have intensified their competition in the domestic oil refining and petrochemical sector in recent
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亲爱的孩子:  今天是你的生日。不知不觉,你已经20岁了。按照中国传统观念,你从此就是成年人了,可以自主决定生活方式和人生道路。你将面临一系列人生课题,如求学、恋爱、婚姻、家庭、职业等等。如何完成这些课题,直接关系到你的人生是否幸福。  在这个最重要的时刻,爸爸想对你说——  人总是在困难中前行的,千万不要抱怨。  生命犹如溪流,源于何处,流经何处,归向何处,由不得自己,无所谓好坏,坦然面对、全盘