省实验幼儿师范学校地处武昌付家坡长途汽车站附近,属于典型的人口密集、人员来往繁杂的“危险”区域。加上学生来自全省各地,学生家长、亲朋好友来往不断,给学校防控非典工作带来很大的压力和难度。 面对严峻形势,校党委充分发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用,打好防控非典的攻坚战。他们认真贯彻上级关于防治非典的指示精神,确定
Provincial Experimental Kindergarten Teachers’ School is located near the Wujiaochang Fujiapo Coach Station, belonging to a typical “dangerous” area with dense population and complicated travels. Coupled with students from all over the province, parents, friends and family continue to come and go, to the school prevention and control of SARS work has brought great pressure and difficulty. Faced with the grim situation, the school party committee has given full play to the party’s role as a fighting bastion and laid the groundwork for the prevention and control of SARS. They conscientiously implemented the spirit of the directives made by their superiors on preventing and treating atypical pneumonia and determined them