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按照我们国家原来确定的现代化建设分3步走的战略布署,90年代中国经济发展的总体要求,是实现第二步的战略目标,即到本世纪末使国民生产总值再翻一番,人民生活达到小康水平,国民经济登上一个新的台阶。“八五”计划时期,将要为实现这样的目标迈出重要步伐,并打下基础。根据上述战略目标和我们的历史经验,制定“八五”计划所遵循的基本方针,是保持国民经济的持续、稳定、协调发展。为此,我们将努力做到以下各点:——合理调整产业结构。坚持把加强和发展农业放在首位,改变农业基础脆弱、后劲不 In accordance with the three-step strategic plan for modernization in our country as originally determined, the overall demand for China’s economic development in the 1990s is the strategic objective of the second phase of achieving the goal of doubling GNP by the end of this century. The people Life has reached a well-to-do level and the national economy has reached a new level. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, important steps will be taken to lay down such a goal and lay the foundation for this. Based on the above strategic objectives and our historical experience, the basic principle followed in formulating the Eighth Five-Year Plan is to maintain the sustained, stable and coordinated development of the national economy. To this end, we will strive to achieve the following points: - Rational adjustment of industrial structure. Adhere to the strengthening and development of agriculture in the first place, to change the fragile agricultural foundation, stamina is not
海城地震前震的错动方式都一致,这一特点表现为各台记到的P波S波垂直向最大振幅的比值均稳定.与中国境内发生的五个震群资料对比表明,上述特点有助于区分震群和前震. The ch
本文原载于瑞士《理论与应用地球物理》(PAGEOPH)刊物1978年第4、5期合刊——《岩石摩擦与地震予测》专辑。作者拜尔利(J.D.BYERLEE)是这个专辑的主编之一。 这篇文章回顾总
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