Strength enhancement of nanocrystalline tungsten under high pressure

来源 :MatterandRadiationatExtremes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binguo404
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Three tungsten powder samples—one coarse grained (c-W; grain size: 1 μm–3 μm) and two nanocrystalline (n-W; average grain sizes: 10 nm and 50 nm)—are investigated under nonhydrostatic compression in a diamond anvil cell in separate experiments, and their in situ X-ray diffraction patterns are recorded. The maximum microscopic deviatoric stress in each tungsten sample, a measure of the yield strength, is determined by analyzing the diffraction line width. Over the entire pressure range, the strength of tungsten increases noticeably as the grain size is decreased from 1 μm–3 μm to 10 nm. The results show that the yield strength of tungsten with an average crystal size of 10 nm is around 3.5 times that of the sample with a grain size of 1 μm–3 μm.
Improved all-optical OR gates are proposed, using a novel fiber nonlinearity-based technique, based on the principles of combined Brillouin gain and loss in a polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF). Switching contrasts are simulated to be between 82.4%-83.6
Microlasers based on high quality (Q) whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonance are promising low threshold laser sources for bio-sensing and imaging applications. In this Letter, dye-doped polymer microspheres were fabricated by a controll
为了实现更高灵敏度的温度传感,提出一种基于宇称-时间(PT)对称结构的光学温度传感器理论模型。该模型在PT对称布拉格反射镜结构中嵌入热光材料共振腔。热光材料的折射率随温度变化,进而影响结构在缺陷模式处的透射率大小。利用传输矩阵法计算模型的透射率谱线,结果显示,在不同温度下,该结构的缺陷模式透射率大小变化远大于模式位置的变化,因此,通过透射率大小的变化可实现温度传感。微腔共振导致结构具有独特的增益放大,该传感器灵敏度最大可达6.82 dB·K -1,检测范围最大达4
针对F 数为4 的高次非球面,设计了一套基于平行光束照射的高精度补偿器。系统工作波长为632.8 nm,设计残差为0.0018 λ 。提出了求解两片检测透镜组成补偿器初始结构的新方法。该方法合理假设补偿器部分结构参数,通过判断补偿器与非球面的Seidel 系数之和最小获得未知参数。比较非球面在补偿器第一面位置处的高斯像高与假设的入射平行光高度,通过MATLAB 迭代计算得到高度差小于预设误差,进而确定平行光入射高度。重新复算得到最终的初始结构。最后将迭代计算得到的各个面Seidel 系数和ZEMAX 给出