过去负债三千 现在家产上万 陈武供销社是怎样帮助我脱贫致富的

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我叫王志高,家住句容县陈武乡大华村,全家七口人。由于孩子多,底子薄,一碰上家里人生病什么的,就拉债,前前后后我欠债(包括欠信用社贷款)三千元,穷日子真是过够了。这是两年前的事。现在我家不仅还清了债,瓦房由原来的三间增加到八间,添置了电视机、电风扇各一台,自行车两部,手表三只,木材一立方米,新式家具一套,家产上万。前后三年光景,都是我这个王志高,为什么变化这样大呢?首先是党的富民政策好,再一个就是供销社一心一意帮得好。 My name is Wang Zhigao and I live in Dahua Village, Chenwu Township, Jurong County. The whole family consists of seven people. Because of the large number of children and the fact that they were thin, I was forced to pay my debts when I touched my family’s illnesses and illnesses. In the past, I owe my debts (including loans for loans from credit unions) for 3,000 yuan. The poor days are really enough. This was two years ago. Now my family has not only paid off the debt, but the number of tile-roofed houses has increased from three to eight, with the addition of TVs and fans, two bicycles, three watches, one cubic meter of wood, and a new type of furniture. Thousands. Before and after the three years of development, I was Wang Zhigao. Why is the change so big? First, the party’s policy of enriching the people is good, and the other is that the supply and marketing cooperatives are doing their best to help one another.
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大家都知道日本商品具有很强的国际竞争力。但是,这种国际竞争力来自何处?诀窍之一就是情报。这里讲一个日本的摩托车怎样征服世界、打入各国市场的故事: 以前,日本的摩托车
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