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8月20日,素以“人间仙境”和“国际和平城”美誉的海滨城市山东省蓬莱市再次成了歌声与鲜花的海洋,以“向往和平、追求和平、热爱和平、珍惜和平、保卫和平”为主题的第四届中国蓬莱“和平颂”国际青少年文化艺术盛典隆重开幕。来自20多个国家的不同肤色的上万名青少年手拉手在蓬莱阁下、大海之滨,用歌声、舞蹈、书画……呼唤和平、祝愿和平。与此同时,隔着高山大海,美国华盛顿自由广场和韩国釜山广场也成了歌声和鲜花的海洋,不同国家的青少年、民间艺术团体与当地华人相聚一起,与中国蓬莱活动相合,歌唱和平。 On August 20, Penglai, a seaside city relying on the reputation of “paradise on earth” and “International Peace City”, once again became a sea of ​​singing and flowers. With “longing for peace, pursuing peace, loving peace, cherishing peace and safeguarding peace ”As the theme of the fourth China Penglai“ Peace Song ”International Youth Culture and Art Festival grand opening. Tens of thousands of adolescents of different colors from more than 20 countries hand in hand Penglai, the sea shore, singing, dancing, painting ... call for peace and wish peace. At the same time, across the mountain, the Freedom Square in Washington, USA and Busan Plaza in South Korea have become the sea of ​​songs and flowers. Youth and folk art groups from different countries gather with local Chinese people to coincide with the activities of Penglai in China and sing peace.
Contmination between batches in multi-products pipeline transport is studied.The influences of convection and diffusion on the contamination are studied in deta
目的评估海口市区居民感染菲律宾毛细线虫的风险。方法笔者2016年5~8月采用自制问卷对622名海口市区居民进行调查,并采用病原诊断技术检查海口市区4个菜市场淡水鱼1 768条鱼
Si_2N_2O powder was synthesized by carbothermal reduction and nitridation natural quartz powder. At the same time, the effects of the process parameters such as