Battleships instructions

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chting0910
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  “Battleships” is a fun game for developing logic and deductive skills and practicing coordination (“怒海争锋”是一款既开发逻辑推理技能又能练习协调能力的有趣的游戏).
  Give each player a pencil and a print-out of the Battleships game. The left grid is for your own fleet (“My Ships”) and the right grid is where you try to discover the other player’s fleet (“Their Ships”).
  First you decide where to place your own fleet within your grid. A fleet is made up of one Aircraft Carrier, one Battleship, one Cruiser, two Destroyers and two Submarines. (A, B, C, D and S for short) Each type of ship covers a different number of boxes in the grid, as shown on the print-out, and is placed from top to bottom or left to right (not from corner to corner). Different ships cannot take up the same square.
  首先,将你自己的舰队放到你的方格中的某个位置。一支舰队是由一艘航空母舰、一艘战舰、一艘巡洋舰、两艘驱逐舰和两艘潜艇组成(简称A, B, C, D, S)。如图上所示,每一种战舰占据方格中不同数目的格子,而且它们是横向或纵向排列的(不是沿对角线放置)。不同的战舰不能占据同一个格子。
  To place a ship, check how many boxes are covered by the ship (shown to the right of your grid) and then write the first letter of the name of the ship in the boxes it covers. For example, a Cruiser covers three boxes so you would pick any three close boxes and put the letter C in each box. Keep your fleet location secret from your opponent! When each player has marked their fleet on their grid, begin to play.
  Take turns to shoot at your opponent’s fleet by calling out the number of a certain box by its grid location. For example, you could call out “B4” or “D1”. Your opponent must say whether the shot is a “miss” or a “hit”. If it is a “hit”, what type of ship it is. You can keep track of what you have shot by crossing off the boxes at the bottom of your print-out.
  Blay continues until one player wins by successfully sinking the whole of the other player’s fleet.
  battleships 又名怒海争锋(魔兽争霸3RPG地图)。
  下载及使用方法:可下载最新版本。下载后请放到 魔兽争霸Maps\Download\ 目录下,进入游戏后选择此地图即可。
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