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一段时间以来,东北经济严重下滑的问题不断被媒体报道,现实的问题可能比报道的更严峻,连李克强总理都坐不住了,频频赶往东北“督阵”。伴随着新中国成立半个世纪以来,东北经济历经波折,从曾经的共和国长子,再到东北十年振兴,再到如今的步履维艰。2010年,本刊曾经封面报道《长子新生》,展示了东北经济的欣欣向荣,2010年左右,也是东北经济在大量资金、政策的刺激下,快速发展的几年,GDP排名连攀新高,经济增速更是在全国名列前茅。而今天,他可能真的病了。 For some time now, the serious economic downturn in the northeast has been constantly reported by the media. The actual problems may be tougher than those reported. Even Premier Li Keqiang could not sit still and rushed to the Northeast Governor. With the founding of New China for half a century, the northeast economy has gone through twists and turns, from the former eldest son of the Republic to the rejuvenation of the northeast for 10 years and then to today’s struggling. In 2010, we published a cover story on the cover of “Firstborn and Newborn”, showing the thriving economy in northeast China. In 2010, with the stimulation of a large amount of capital and policies in northeast China, the rapid development of the economy in the past few years led GDP to climb to a new high. Speed ​​is among the best in the country. Today, he may be really sick.
由中国南极研究学术委员会海洋学组和国家海洋局第二海洋研究所联合发起召开的“中国第一届南大洋考察学术讨论会”于1988年5月24日至28日在杭州召开。 参加会议的有来自全
民国初年,雾蒙山一带土匪猖獗,打家劫舍,杀人越货,民不聊生。那时的官府只管向百姓摊派所谓的“太平费”,并不真心剿匪,象征性地派兵到村寨串串也就是了。若真剿灭了土匪,“太平费”更难收缴了。  百姓灾难深重。  雾蒙山下有个本分的农民叫王五,当老婆被虐待致死后忍无可忍,吆喝起一帮亲朋好友,持斧头菜刀与土匪拼命,消灭了几股散匪。百姓们看到了希望,有钱出钱,有力出力,支持王五。  王五便成立了個菜刀会,成
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