1993年8月1日,李鹏总理签署了119号令,发布《取水许可制度实施办法》(以下简称“办法”)。这是继1988年《中华人民共和国水法》颁布后,我国水法制建设的一个重要的事件。在全国范围,对直接从江河、湖泊或者地下取水实施许可证制度,是国家为加强对水资源宏观调控,促进计划用水、节约用水、科学用水而采取的重大措施,是我国水资源管理的一项重大改革。全面贯彻实施“办法”,必将把我国水资源管理提高到一个新的水平。 “办法”颁布一年来,各级水行政主管部门把贯彻实施《取水许可制度实施办法》作为一项
On August 1, 1993, Premier Li Peng signed Order No. 119, promulgating the Measures for the Implementation of the Permit for Water Abstraction (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”). This is an important event following the enactment of the “Water Law of the People’s Republic of China” in 1988 on the building of a legal system for water in our country. At the national level, the implementation of the permit system for water abstraction directly from rivers, lakes or undergrounds is a major measure adopted by the state to strengthen the macro-control over water resources, promote planned water use, water conservation and scientific water use, and is one of China’s water resources management Major reform. To fully implement the “Measures” will surely raise China’s water resources management to a new level. Over the past year since the promulgation of the Measures, the water administrative departments at various levels have taken the implementation of the “Measures for the Implementation of the Water Absorption Permit System” as one