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The title compound forms black crystals shaped like pseudo-octahedrons, which belong to the orthorhombic system The space group is Pna 2_1 with unit cell parametrs of a=17.815(1), b=16.629(2), c=12.003(1), and with Z=4, D_(obs)=1.80g·cm~(-3), and D_(calc)=1.804g·cm~(-3). The crystal structure was solved by the heavy atom method and refiened by fullmatrix least-squares to a final conventional R factor of 0.048 for 2584 unique reflections with I≥σ(Ⅰ). The investigation confirms that the crystal structure consists of tetraethylammonium cations and trinuclear Mo cluster anions. The anion is a μ_3-O monocapped trinuclear cluster with an average Mo-Mo bond length of 2.60 (2). On the side of the Mo_3 triangular plane opposite to the μ_3-O atom, each two Mo atoms are bridged by a Cl atom with the result that these seven atoms (3 Me, 1 O and 3 Cl atoms)form an apex-deficient quasicubane configuration. In addition, each Mo atom is coordinated to three additional atoms resulting in a pseudo-octahedral geome The title compound forms of black crystalline form like pseudo-octahedrons, which belong to the orthorhombic system The space group is Pna 2_1 with unit cell parametrs of a = 17.815 (1), b = 16.629 (2), c = 12.003 and with Z = 4, D obs = 1.80g · cm -3, and D calc = 1.804g · cm -3 The crystal structure was solved by the heavy atom method and refiened by fullmatrix least-squares to a final conventional R factor of 0.048 for 2584 unique reflections with I≥σ (I). The investigation confirms that the crystal structure consists of tetraethylammonium cations and trinuclear Mo cluster anions. The anion is a μ_3-O monocapped trinuclear cluster with an average Mo-Mo bond length of 2.60 (2). On the side of the Mo_3 triangular plane opposite to the μ_3-O atom, each two Mo atoms are bridged by a Cl atom with the result that these seven atoms Me, 1 O and 3 Cl atoms) form an apex-deficient quasicubane configuration. In addition, each Mo atom is coordinated to three additional atoms resulting in a pse udo-octahedral geome
目前线切割机床的高频电源给钼丝进电的方式主要有下列五种: 1.高频电源接在卷丝筒底座上,通过导轨、轴承和卷丝筒身向钼丝供电; 2.高频电源通过炭刷接到卷丝筒轴上; 3.高频
7月21日,7月22日两天,巴塞罗那队阿根廷球星梅西来到中国进行一系列商业访问。48小时内,梅西辗转北京、济南、广州、深圳 July 21, July 22 two days, Barcelona star Macy
文章以国家文化部、国家图书馆倡导的全民阅读活动为背景,详尽阐述了淮安市图书馆开展的全民阅读活动的主要做法与基本经验,为提高大众阅读率、倡导全民读书辅以借鉴。 Base
Er3 +/Yb3 +-codoped oxyfluoride crystallite glass was prepared with melting technique. The compositions and the melting temperature and the annealing temperatur