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一、建立寿险行销制度是历史的必然寿险行销是指人寿保险公司以满足保户或准保户的各种需求为主线,以获得满意的利润为直接目的,从事与市场交易有关的一切经营销售活动。它与一般行业的销售、配销、交易等不同,它是行与销的组合,兼有协助、推动和买卖双方交换各标的物所有权的含义。寿险业发展到今天,行销制度的建立是历史的必然。寿险经营与一般企业一样,有其时代背景下产生的经营法则,可是寿险公司提供的商品是一张契约,一张载明未来不确定事故时给付一定金额的承诺契约。一般商品由于实体存在,当消费者付出金钱时,可交换回一可供消费的实体商品,其效用可期,但保险商品则不然,当消费者付出货币时,所交换的仅是一纸对未来给付的承诺,并无 First, the establishment of life insurance marketing system is a historical necessity Life insurance refers to the life insurance company to meet the various needs of policyholders or policyholders as the main line, in order to obtain satisfactory profits for the direct purpose of engaging in market transactions and all business sales activities . It is different from the sales, distribution and trading of the general industry. It is a combination of sales and marketing, which assists and promotes the exchange of the ownership of the subject matter between buyers and sellers. Life insurance industry to today, the establishment of marketing system is the inevitable history. Life insurance operates in the same way as an ordinary business and has its own operating rules in the background of the times. However, the life insurance company provides goods as a contract and a commitment contract for a certain amount to be paid in the event of an uncertain future accident. General Goods Because of the existence of entities, when consumers pay money, they can exchange back the physical goods available for consumption, the effectiveness of which can be expected, but the insurance products are not the same, when consumers pay the money, they exchange only a pair of paper Commitment to future payments, no
目前,香蕉收果后其茎叶大都浪费掉,为了变废为宝,提高种植香蕉的经济效益,近几年笔者多次用香蕉叶栽培平菇,均获得成功,生物效率稳定在80%以上。现将技术要点介绍如下: 1.材
现代人面对生活快节奏和信息、文化生活的丰富,能安静地、该睡就睡地躺在床上8小时,真是谈何容易!  事实上,睡眠不足,该睡的时候不去睡,已成为一种普遍的“现代都市病”。这在医学界称之为“睡眠不足症”。祖国医学认为,长期睡眠不足或有睡眠障碍的人,每天的衰老进程是正常人的2~3倍。长期缺乏睡眠,使身体得不到限时修复的人,不仅其寿命要缩短10~15年,而且会过早出现生理上的衰老现象,如黑眼圈,皮肤浮肿、暗