Dietary Leucine Requirement for Juvenile Large Yellow Croaker Pseudosciaena crocea (Richardson,1846)

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samdragon
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Dietary leucine requirement for juvenile large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson 1846 (initial body weight 6.0 g±0.1 g) was determined using dose-response method.Six isonitogenous (crude protein 43%) and isoenergetic (19 kJ g-1) practical diets containing six levels of leucine (Diets 1-6) ranging from 1.23% to 4.80% (dry matter) were made at about 0.7% increment of leucine.Equal amino acid nitrogen was maintained by replacing leucine with glutamic acid.Triplicate groups of 60 individuals were fed to apparent satiation by hand twice daily (05:00 and 17:30).The water temperature was 26-32℃, salinity 26-30 and dissolved oxygen approximately 7 mg L-1 during the experimental period.Final weight (FW) of large yellow croaker initially increased with increasing level of dietary leucine but then decreased at further higher level of leucine.The highest FW was obtained in fish fed diet with 3.30% Leucine (Diet 4).FW of fish fed the diet with 4.80% Leucine (Diet 6) was significantly lower than those fed Diet 4.However, no significant differences were observed between the other dietary treatments.Feed efficiency (FE) and whole body composition were independent of dietary leucine contents (P>0.05).The results indicated that leucine was essential for growth of juvenile large yellow croaker.On the basis of FW, the optimum dietary leucine requirement for juvenile large yellow croaker was estimated to be 2.92% of dry matter (6.79% of dietary protein). Dietary leucine requirement for juvenile large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson 1846 (initial body weight 6.0 g ± 0.1 g) was determined using dose-response method. Isisitogenous (crude protein 43%) and isoenergetic (19 kJ g-1) containing six levels of leucine (Diets 1-6) ranging from 1.23% to 4.80% (dry matter) were made at about 0.7% increment of leucine.Equal amino acid nitrogen was maintained by replacing leucine with glutamic acid. Triplicate groups of 60 were fed to apparent satiation by hand twice daily (05:00 and 17:30). The water temperature was 26-32 ° C, salinity 26-30 and dissolved oxygen approximately 7 mg L-1 during the experimental period. Final weight (FW ) of large yellow croaker initially increased with increasing level of dietary leucine but then at further higher level of leucine. highest highest FW was obtained in fish fed diet with 3.30% Leucine (Diet 4) .FW of fish fed the diet with 4.80% Leucine (Diet 6) was significant ly lower than those fed Diet 4.However, no significant differences were observed between the other dietary treatments. Feed efficiency (FE) and whole body composition were independent of dietary leucine contents (P> 0.05). The results indicated that leucine was essential for growth of juvenile large yellow croaker. On the basis of FW, the optimum dietary leucine requirement for juvenile large yellow croaker was estimated to be 2.92% of dry matter (6.79% of dietary protein).
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