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初识陈溪河,是在去年公安部监管局召开的一次强制戒毒所现场会上,他讲起了戒毒所里发生的一件又一件颇为有趣的新鲜事,给记者留下了很深刻的印象。直至今年3月底,记者终于有机会亲自到他“家”(也就是他所任职的福建省漳州市公安局强制戒毒所)里去采访,才觉得正应了“小天地里的大事业”这句话。 漳州市公安局强制戒毒所仅有16名民警、四名专职医护人员,占地仅十亩,收治了不足百名戒毒人员。从记者所走访的十余家戒毒所来看,这个所只能算一个小型所。可它却是全国一级强制戒毒所,去年荣立了集体二等功,在闽南一带的名气仅次于“漳州110”。 46岁的陈溪河有着20年警龄,1982年大学本科毕业后到公安机关工作。在派出所工作时,各方面都是一把好手,屡立战功。1997年初,市公安局党委针对漳州地区吸毒情况严重的状况,决定依法组建强制戒毒所,于是从中层骨干中选中了陈溪河。从此,陈溪河进入了一个全新的 First met Chen Xihe, the Ministry of Public Security Supervision Bureau last year held a compulsory detoxification live conference, he talked about the detoxification occurred one after another quite interesting new thing, left a very deep impression. Until the end of March this year, the reporter finally had the opportunity to go personally to his “home” (that is, he was in charge of Zhangzhou City Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province compulsory detoxification center) to interview, just felt that the “Little World in the cause of” this sentence . Zhangzhou City Public Security Bureau forced detoxification only 16 civilian police, four full-time medical staff, covering only ten acres, admitted less than 100 drug rehabilitation staff. From more than a dozen drug treatment centers visited by journalists, this can only be regarded as a small institute. But it is a national compulsory drug rehabilitation center, last year awarded the collective second-class work, in the Taiwanese fame second only to “Zhangzhou 110”. 46-year-old Chen Xihe has 20 years of police age, after graduating from college in 1982 to the public security organs work. In the police station work, all aspects are a good hand, repeatedly made meritorious service. In early 1997, the municipal party committee of the Public Security Bureau, in view of the serious situation of drug abuse in Zhangzhou, decided to set up a mandatory drug rehabilitation center in accordance with the law and selected Chen Xihe from the middle-level cadres. Since then, Chen Creek into a whole new
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在被茶水浸过的玛德兰小甜饼那久已忘却的香味中 ,鲁斯特记忆中的小镇及姨妈那双温暖的手像水印慢慢洇出 ,在茶杯的残水中幻化开来。我是谁 ,我从哪里来 ,又要到哪里去 ?现在