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“六五”期间国家以节约每吨标准煤的投资(下称“吨标投资”)不大于250元作为节能技术改造项目的边界效益。其基本出发点是节约与开发的投入产出的比较,这自然是宏观上控制的边界效益,其实质就是边界投资,实践证明,这一边界投资(250元/吨标煤)的确定是符合实际的。整个“六五”期间,全国节能技术改造项目,每节约一吨标准煤投入254元稍多些。同期,甘肃省节能项目吨标投资为248元。但是,如将这一宏观控制指标用来衡量具体节能项目,其合理性是值得探讨的。首先,不同品种和品级的能源开发投资的不一致性决定了其节约投资的参照系的不统一性,因而以节约和开发相比较来确定节能项目的边界效益也不应是划一的。其次,不同品种 During the “6th Five-Year Plan” period, the state’s investment in saving one tonne of standard coal (hereinafter referred to as “ton standard investment”) is not more than 250 yuan as the boundary benefit of energy-saving technological transformation projects. The basic starting point is the comparison of the input and output of savings and development. This is naturally a macroeconomically controlled boundary benefit. Its essence is the boundary investment. Practice has proved that the determination of this boundary investment (250 yuan/ton of standard coal) is in line with reality. of. During the “6th Five-Year Plan” period, the national energy-saving technological transformation project saved more than 254 yuan per ton of standard coal. In the same period, the tonnage investment for energy conservation projects in Gansu Province was 248 yuan. However, if this macro-control indicator is used to measure specific energy-saving projects, its rationality is worth exploring. First of all, the inconsistency of energy development investment of different varieties and grades determines the inconsistency of the frame of reference for the conservation of investment. Therefore, the efficiency of the boundary of energy-saving projects compared with conservation and development should not be uniform. Second, different varieties
全国电力远动通信标准化技术委员会第二届年会于1988年1月7日至12日在广东省珠海市召开。 参加本届年会的有本技术委员会委员、顾问、特邀代表和标准起草人共40余人。年会总
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1985年10月16日在比利时首都布鲁塞尔召开了首届欧洲国际“功率电子学应用”学术年会(EPE Congress)。参加会议的有60多个国家的六百余正式代表二百余列席代表。本次大会的