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今年16岁的登封市女孩儿李顺亚,从6岁开始独挑生活重担,侍奉父亲、爷爷,多次为爷爷吸痰救命,但因两位老人病情太重,最终还是离她而去了。她的事迹曾被《中国之声》等媒体报道。2009年,李顺亚被评为第六届全国年十佳孝贤(是其中年龄最小的)。2010年7月3日,她应邀到香港在“第五届香港国际‘孝道文化’弘扬大会”上发言,受到与会者的高度赞誉。 The 16-year-old girl from Dengfeng City, Li Shunya, began to take care of her father and grandfather from the age of six. She has repeatedly been sucking for her grandfather, but because the two elderly people are too sick, she eventually left her. Her deeds have been reported by the Voice of China and other media. In 2009, Li Shunya was named the sixth National Year of the Nation’s Top Ten Filial Piety (which is the youngest among them). On July 3, 2010, she was invited to Hong Kong to speak at the Fifth Hong Kong International Conference on “Filial Culture of Filial Piety,” and was highly praised by participants.
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本文通过对文化传统的基本精神及特征的梳理和概括,论述了传统文化与文化传统之间的区别和联系,旨在讨论文化传统对建设当代有社会主义特色的新文化的影响和作用。 By combing
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